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Don't trust on Wikipedia (by Latuff)
Bay Area Indymedia, CA - 1 hour ago
by Latuff ( latuff [at] ). Some of my friends wrote me about the Wikipedia article on me and I'd like to clarify some points. ...
Daniel Brandt
I added a comment to this guy's article. You should too. Indymedia is popular with the GenX left-of-center crowd, which probably needs to be educated about Wikipedia more than most of the population.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Tue 10th April 2007, 1:03pm) *

I added a comment to this guy's article. You should too. Indymedia is popular with the GenX left-of-center crowd, which probably needs to be educated about Wikipedia more than most of the population.

Yeah, I added a comment too.

I'd like to see more links to our nonprofit Web site though, but I don't want to mismanage it. I put the link for the Wikipedia Problems group on Yahoo I began. It's got 5 members now.

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Tue 10th April 2007, 4:03pm) *

I added a comment to this guy's article. You should too.

My comments have risen to a level of excellence that could only be described as a smothering, ten-ton sandwich of Truth and Logic. I'm expecially proud of my bacon vs. chicken analogy. I encourage anyone to go back to the article comments at this time -- especially if you'll join the pile-on using your real name:

Don't trust on Wikipedia (by Latuff)

Fascinating... "Mandeep M" sounds like it might be Mantanweissland or one of his crew, but to name Slimmy and Katefan0 like that isn't very "Wikipedian" of him, is it? Odd that the pro-Wikipedia commenter would be the one to turn into a potential "attack site."
QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 11th April 2007, 4:01pm) *

"Mandeep M" sounds like it might be Mantanweissland or one of his crew...

I was actually thinking that he seems to parrot the Guy "JzG" Chapman rhetoric about how I don't understand what Wikipedia "is". But now look at us -- we're "stalking" by even speculating who Mandeep could be.

Unrepentant Vandal
Indymedia makes Wikipedia look reliable.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 11th April 2007, 3:16pm) *
But now look at us -- we're "stalking" by even speculating who Mandeep could be.

But it's important, though. Here's someone who's obviously pro-Wikipedia, parrots the Company Line™, and yet he adds yet another website to the Dennybot's WP:BADSITES list by adding the real names of two female admins, completely gratuitously, to this guy's article/blog/whatever.

Whose fault is that? I suspect they'll claim it's ours, because he presumably got the names from here in the first place.

I'd say something mean like, "I guess they know now how it feels to be a BLP subject when yet another "scraping" occurs, don't they," but "they" still don't know. It's just those two women, and for the rest, it's "naaah, that could never happen to me." And in fact, it almost certainly couldn't!
QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 11th April 2007, 4:35pm) *

...he adds yet another website to the Dennybot's WP:BADSITES list by adding the real names of two female admins, completely gratuitously, to this guy's article/blog/whatever. has 190 external links from Wikipedia. That's going to be a lot of clean-up, warning, and blocking!

Jonny Cache
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 11th April 2007, 5:02pm) *

QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 11th April 2007, 4:35pm) *

he adds yet another website to the Dennybot's WP:BADSITES list by adding the real names of two female admins, completely gratuitously, to this guy's article/blog/whatever. has 190 external links from Wikipedia. That's going to be a lot of clean-up, warning, and blocking!


I created this Intruder Revert Template (IRT) so that people can help out. I think that maybe this is the answer — just wrap Wikipedia in a Big Rubber Room so that nothing from the outside world can disturb it — well, disturb it any further.

Jonny cool.gif
QUOTE(Unrepentant Vandal @ Wed 11th April 2007, 8:31pm) *
Indymedia makes Wikipedia look reliable.
Incredibly true. It's hard to even know if it is Latuff.
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