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Wikipedia Founder: Funny Words, Good - Typos, Bad
TechNewsWorld, CA - 55 minutes ago
By Monica Mercer. On a trip to Delhi, India, last summer, Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales said he was impressed with the networks in some of the city's ...
Yahoo! News
Good academic behavior does not include citing encyclopedias as primary sources in research, said Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales. "That's exactly what we recommend. Students shouldn't be citing Encyclopedia Britannica either." However, that's where any similarities between the old-school volumes of information and Wales' online encyclopedia available for all the world to read may end.

Yahoo! News
Good academic behavior does not include citing encyclopedias as primary sources in research, said Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales. "That's exactly what we recommend. Students shouldn't be citing Encyclopedia Britannica either." However, that's where any similarities between the old-school volumes of information and Wales' online encyclopedia available for all the world to read may end.

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