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Local man sues Wikipedia
CKNW, Canada - 58 minutes ago
VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) - Anyone who has looked up a word on the internet has likely been directed to the site Wikipedia. But a Vancouver businessman is suing ...
Yahoo! News
VANCOUVER — A Vancouver businessman who was once a key Green party organizer is suing the producers of Wikipedia for libel.

Google News

Local man sues Wikipedia
CKNW, Canada - 22 hours ago
VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) - Anyone who has looked up a word on the internet has likely been directed to the site Wikipedia. But a Vancouver businessman is suing ...
Google News

Local man sues Wikipedia
CKNW, Canada - Apr 19, 2007
VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) - Anyone who has looked up a word on the internet has likely been directed to the site Wikipedia. But a Vancouver businessman is suing ...
Yahoo! News
Unfortunately, it sounds like Canada doesn't have a similar law (or case history). In Vancouver, a former Green Party staff member is apparently suing Google, Wikipedia and a Canadian political website over postings on all three that he felt were defamatory.

Yahoo! News
Wayne Crookes, a former campaign manager of the Green Party of Canada, is suing Google, Wikipedia and for libel. He is suing the sites for posting made by anonymous users on Google's Blogspot, for an entry under his name on Wikipedia, and on, a political forum run by Michael Pilling a Green Party activist. "I resent very much irresponsible statements made very ...

Google News

<img src= width=63 height=79 alt="" border=1>Wayne Crookes sues Google, Wikipedia, Canada - 33 minutes ago news:- Wayne Crookes, the Green Party of Canada's ex-financier, is in effect trying to sue the Net. He's going after the Wikiedia, ...
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