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The tough position of Wikipedia
OSU Daily Barometer, OR - 35 minutes ago
by Angie Bergh. Ever since Wikipedia began to gain popularity, the questions of what it is, and what to do with it, has been batted around. ...
This is a really good article. Both critical of Wikipedia and also acknowledging its good points.

Even Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales recognizes the shortcomings in his project. According to the Wall Street Journal: “[Wales] says he was glad Nature chose to compare science-related themes ‘because on history and the social sciences, we’re much weaker.’ In other areas — including computer science and the history of ‘Star Trek,’ he says — Wikipedia is ‘way better.’”

Fair call.

The only means of creating a sufficiently reliable information source is to create incentive for accuracy; this is why, in an academic setting, we tend to rely on peer-reviewed journals. And this is why an Encyclopedia Britannica comes out more trustworthy in the end — Britannica’s sales depend on the level of consumer trust in its accuracy. It may not be perfect, but at least it’s stable.

And this is why, in the end, Wikipedia can never win. It should never really try. It is not competition, it is something different. If Wikipedia could just focus on what it is, rather than try to be something it never could be, then perhaps it could achieve something real.
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