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Wikipedia co-founder wants open-source search engine
ZDNet - 41 minutes ago
By Michael Kanellos, CNET The folks behind the public encyclopedia have launched Wikia, a project to develop a search engine, crawlers and other ...
Yahoo! News
The folks behind the public encyclopedia launch Wikia, a project to develop open-source search tools.

Google News

Wikipedia co-founder wants open-source search engine
CNET, CA - 1 hour ago
The folks behind the public encyclopedia launch Wikia, a project to develop open-source search tools. By Michael Kanellos. Does the world need open-source ...
Google News

Wikipedia co-founder wants open-source search engine
ZDNet - 2 hours ago
By Michael Kanellos, CNET The folks behind the public encyclopedia have launched Wikia, a project to develop a search engine, crawlers and other ...
Yahoo! News
The folks behind the public encyclopedia launch Wikia, a project to develop open-source search tools.

Google News

Wikipedia's Wales hypes open-source search plan, UK - 10 minutes ago
By Michael Kanellos. The people behind the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia have launched Wikia: a project to develop a search engine, crawlers and ...
Google News

Wikipedia's Wales hypes open-source search plan, UK - 42 minutes ago
By Michael Kanellos. The people behind the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia have launched Wikia: a project to develop a search engine, crawlers and ...
Yahoo! News
Jabber creator Jeremie Miller is joining Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia and Wikia, in building an open-source, community-driven search service.

Yahoo! News
( InfoWorld ) - Jabber creator Jeremie Miller is joining Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia and Wikia, in building an open-source, community-driven search service. Jabber is an open protocol that lets instant messaging services interoperate. Miller will serve as technical lead of the open-source search project. Wales announced late last year  that he was developing the Search Wikia ...

Yahoo! News
( InfoWorld ) - Jabber creator Jeremie Miller is joining Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia and Wikia, in building an open-source, community-driven search service. Jabber is an open protocol that lets instant messaging services interoperate. Miller will serve as technical lead of the open-source search project. Wales announced late last year  that he was developing the Search Wikia ...

Yahoo! News
Jeremie Miller will guide a project designed to make crawlers a commodity to allow search services to proliferate and challenge Google. Wikia was founded by Jimmy Wales, who also founded Wikipedia.

Google News

Wikipedia co-founder wants open-source search engine
CNET, CA - 11 hours ago
The folks behind the public encyclopedia launch Wikia, a project to develop open-source search tools. By Michael Kanellos. Does the world need open-source ...
Yahoo! News
Jabber creator Jeremie Miller is joining Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia and Wikia, in building an open-source, community-driven search service.

Yahoo! News
( InfoWorld ) - Jabber creator Jeremie Miller is joining Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia and Wikia, in building an open-source, community-driven search service. Jabber is an open protocol that lets instant messaging services interoperate.

Yahoo! News
Jabber creator Jeremie Miller is joining Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia and Wikia Inc., in building an open-source, community-driven search service.

Yahoo! News
Wikia, the open source search engine initiative and potential Google-killer, has snagged Jeremie Miller, who founded Jabber, an open instant messaging platform. Miller was handpicked by the Wikia project's founder, Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales. Miller's first task will be to develop the necessary infrastructure to allow a thousand or so volunteer developers to contribute to the project.

Google News

Wikipedia co-founder wants open-source search engine, Finland - 14 minutes ago
Jabber founder Jeremie Miller has signed on to help develop Wikia's open-source search engine project, the organization announced. ...
Google News

Wikipedia's Wales touts open-source search engine
Crave, UK - May 1, 2007
The team behind the public encyclopaedia has launched Wikia, a project to develop a search engine, crawlers and other indexing tools through a collaborative ...
Google News

<img src= width=79 height=57 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia to launch new search engine
CNN-IBN, India - 13 minutes ago
GEAR UP FOR ALTERNATIVE SEARCH: Wales says, “We do look at India as a very exciting IT market.” New York: Tech magazine Fast Company recently described him ...
Yahoo! News
Wikipedia, which is set for a new corporate venture that includes a new search engine, will also expand in India.

Yahoo! News
Tech magazine Fast Company recently described him as 'Google's Worst Nightmare'. He's made Wikipedia the leading online encyclopedia. And now its founder Jimbo Wales plans to launch a search engine that will not be proprietary like Google's or Yahoo's, but will be open-source.

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