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Full Version: Re-exploring `Oblivion,' `Final Fantasy' (AP via Yahoo! News)
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Yahoo! News
One of the delights of a well-designed role-playing game is the feeling that you're exploring uncharted territory. The stories may be intriguing, the battles may be pulse-pounding, but the real thrill comes when you discover a new city, an abandoned ruin or even an unsettled planet.

The Joy
Ah, the article discusses Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the Shivering Isles in which you the player must navigate and explore the Realm of Madness and conduct tasks assigned to you by the Daedric Prince of Insanity!

Realm of Madness? Insane ruler? I thought the RSS feed bot looked for Wikipedia-related topics... but I repeat myself.
(Straigth face) There's a passing reference
Wikipedia lists 20 "Shining" games.
but I'm putting it in "Less relevant".
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