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Yahoo! News
A group of the world's leading scientists announced yesterday that they had joined forces to document the world's 1.8 million named species in a massive new "Encyclopedia of Life."

Yahoo! News
The Encyclopedia of Life, which intends “to document all 1.8 million named species of animals, plants, and other forms of life on Earth,” was launched today. And as fascinating as this story is from any standpoint, it may also lend some perspective on issues raised by sites like Wikipedia. The Encyclopedia of Life won’t exactly be peer-edited, but neither will users be solely responsible for ...

Yahoo! News
Leading scientific institutions from around the world have collaborated on one the largest Web projects to date: a global effort to document all 1.8 million named species of plants and animals on Earth in a free online resource called "Encyclopedia of Life." Similar to Wikipedia, the Encyclopedia of Life will allow for users to add information and details, such as species sightings and photos.

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