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Probo Koala owners change Wikipedia entry, Netherlands - 24 minutes ago
The editors of Wikipedia were forced this week to repeatedly restore the entry for Probo Koala, the ship that last year dumped 500 tonnes of toxic waste in ...
Here's one of the diffs from the Dutch Wikipedia showing what the Trafigura Press Office was trying to do:

It helps if you know some Dutch, of course... I'm surprised they identified themselves, considering the seriousness of the incident. It looks like they were trying to change the article to say that the toxic waste in question was handled by a properly-licensed subcontractor, and that the transfer of the waste all took place under the supervision of the proper port and environmental authorities.

The "non-Trafigura-preferred" version (I think) states that it's unclear how many people were killed or made sick by the toxic spill, because when the Cote d'Ivoire government opened up the hospitals to give free care to the victims, numerous people showed up with unrelated medical problems.
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