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Full Version: Forget Web 2.0. Say Hello to Web 3.0 (The Globalist)
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Yahoo! News
Most computer users around the world are still coming to terms with Web 2.0 and its many options for operating social networks and engaging in collaboration. Yet, they should quickly adjust their learning schedules — and get ready for the next upgrade.

not stated explicitly in this article, but what i take from it is "the end of internet anonymity as we know it".

in the end, lawyers have the lobbying power. ridiculous "victories" like this are shallow.
QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Sat 19th May 2007, 3:30am) *

Most computer users around the world are still coming to terms with Web 2.0 and its many options for operating social networks and engaging in collaboration. Yet, they should quickly adjust their learning schedules — and get ready for the next upgrade.


I submit that this author's use of the meme "Web 3.0" is completely off-base. Web 3.0 is generally held to refer to the coming "Semantic Web" architecture. I can't even figure out what this guy is saying constitutes Web 3.0.

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