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"Reuters reports that two women at Yale Law School have filed suit for defamation and infliction of emotional distress against an administrator and 28 anonymous posters on AutoAdmit (a.k.a. Xoxohth), a popular law student discussion site. Experts are watching to see if the suit will unmask the posters, who are identified in the complaint only by their pseudonyms. Since AutoAdmit's administrators have previously said that they do not retain IP logs of posters, identifying the defendants may test the limits of the legal system and anonymity on the Internet. So far, one method tried was to post the summons on the message board itself and ask the defendants to step forward. The controversy leading to this lawsuit was previously discussed on Slashdot."
Here's a sympathetic (to the victims) blogger's take on the subject:

I'd say we're nowhere near this sort of thing here... For one thing, the identities of the victims were clearly known, there were physical threats and exhortations to photograph the victims, and it most of what was posted was of a sexual nature, all quite disturbing by almost any definition. There seems to have been no grounds for legitimacy of the postings based on criticism or parody, and the site's operators seem to have made no effort to ameliorate the situation whatsoever, and may have even exacerbated it.

Of course, some of the WP'ers will claim the same things about us, but they won't have anything substantive to back that up with - other than a small number of cases in which identities were exposed, and a few pointed vulgarities.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 18th June 2007, 2:15pm) *

pointed vulgarities

ha ha, we made you say pointed vulgarities ¤ giggle ¤

Jonny cool.gif
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