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Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Dzonatas @ Tue 29th July 2008, 7:56pm) *

What is it now, somewhere around a thousand US troops have fled to Canada while still in active duty. That kinda says something.

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I know what it says.

Those good soldiers are on a mission to destroy the 'assymetric threat' to U.S. national security that is Linda Mack.

As anyone on Wikipedia Review knows, where Slimvirgin goes, war carnage follows.

She's left a trail of bodies worldwide. And those men in uniform are determined to make her stop.

And in so doing, save the free world.

And democracy. rolleyes.gif

Don't worry, those aren't real bullets, they are neuroleptic med-pellets.
Like the kind of shots used to take down wild animals with no metabolic linkages to humanity
Disillusioned Lackey
Unfortunately......... she's not in Canada! Wrong place! (hint: she's under the bed!)

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