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QUOTE(Error59 @ Thu 25th October 2007, 11:35am) *

QUOTE(Alison @ Wed 24th October 2007, 8:42pm) *

QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Tue 23rd October 2007, 11:33am) *

QUOTE(Error59 @ Tue 23rd October 2007, 11:13am) *

Irrelevant to anything else, yes, ElinorD = Musical Linguist. 100%.

Alison or Riana said they met both of them in person and they didn't look the same.

Nonono. I said that ElinorD didn't look like that tiny pic of SV that you showed me. I've never met SV in person, by the way. Also, I pointed out that ElinorD is highly unlikely to be ML as her accent is decidedly British, nor indeed does she look like *ahem* a certain pic from a certain website that shows what ML looks like.

Ok - 'nuff said.

ElinorD is Musical Linguist's sock admin account. She made it to hide from Amorrow.

And this is true because .... ?

As with many things on here, if enough people keep stating it as fact, hey - it's fact!
Looks like she tanked this one before it even got off the ground.
Do I need to post the emails from Ann?
QUOTE(Snowey @ Fri 26th October 2007, 11:10am) *

Looks like she tanked this one before it even got off the ground.

Yes, but she'll try again. If we are alert, we'll catch her every time -- I don't think that she can overcome her compulsions enough to produce a sock with really deceptive behavior. But we should also be careful not to cry "wolf!"
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