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> Wikimedia Discussion > Editors > Notable editors > SlimVirgin
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The Adversary
QUOTE(One @ Tue 28th October 2008, 1:49am) *

Why are we dissing on SlimVirgin here?

She's posted very cogent arguments about ArbCom's failings here. In fact, she agrees with many of the proposals first suggested by users here, and argues for them is a straightforward way. Quite frankly, there's much more criticism of Wikipedia in her posts on Jimbo's talk page than there is in this whole thread.

I get that some people see her as a prolific past abuser, but if she wants to help reform ArbCom, I bless her for it.

Yes, that is a question I´m increasingly asking (and I came to the Review so the I could diss her -and not get blocked). I think the questions she asks are quite relevant. (Of course, it is the mother of all ironies that Slimmy is asking them happy.gif )

I guess one reason that we still react the way we do towards Slimmy is that she never, ever admit to doing wrong. It is as if her personality is too weak, too fragile to admit the possibility that she is not perfect.

I wish that somebody who was friendly with Slimmy could give her some good advise, like: at the next opportunity apologise publicly on WP for defending Matanmoreland...and for blocking Wordbomb. (Regretting it privately on some Skype-conversation isn´t quite enought...not when all her abuse was quite public.) I think she would be very, very surprised by the amount of forgiveness such an act would be met with.

QUOTE(Obesity @ Tue 28th October 2008, 4:42am) *

QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Mon 27th October 2008, 8:45pm) *

QUOTE(Obesity @ Mon 27th October 2008, 10:52pm) *

I know someone else who's going to upload a picture of himself as a toddler, if he can find one. He was far more slovenly at that age.

I want one! Shame I looked like a skinny, female version of Damien out of The Omen as a child. biggrin.gif

Here it is.

What do you think? The rumpled blue suit... the clip-on tie... the malevolent scowl of pure hatred...

I'm rather pleased with it.

TFMWNCB would like you to know he apologizes for his parents' abysmal photographic preservation skills (note the dust, scotch tape, etc.)

Hwooooha, lovely! Muuuchhh nicer than the Virgin! (IMHO) That "malevolent scowl" was due to all those grown-up ladies hugging you all the time, right? And you were helpless to prevent it? biggrin.gif
Mr. Mystery
i for one am not impressed with slim's newfound insights into the arbcom. sure, she reads the writing on wall and realizes the committee as a whole is no longer the loyal ally that it once was, so she makes what seems to me an obvious tactical move to direct public attention to its many faults as a way to further undermine its legitimacy. personally, i think arbcom is becoming ineffective for the same reasons slim is, too many people are following their bullshit, but that being the case, i don't think the arbs could do more than "giano" slim if they wanted to. they never had the backbone to take more than superficial symbolic actions against giano, i don't see them doing anything more substantial against slim.
Moulton sent me another interesting reply, but he was apparently over his limit:
QUOTE(Moulton via PM)
QUOTE(One @ Tue 28th October 2008, 12:49am) *

Why are we dissing on SlimVirgin here?

She's posted very cogent arguments about ArbCom's failings here. In fact, she agrees with many of the proposals first suggested by users here, and argues for them is a straightforward way. Quite frankly, there's much more criticism of Wikipedia in her posts on Jimbo's talk page than there is in this whole thread.

I get that some people see her as a prolific past abuser, but if she wants to help reform ArbCom, I bless her for it.
SV's talk page is locked, and Somey's Horological Egg Timer still has forty minutes to go, so I am reduced to using PMs again.

This is not the first time the issue of Due Process has come up. And the last time Lar opined on the issue, he went on record to say, "The thing is, the project doesn't DO due process. There is no reason to expect it. This is not a governance experiment, a society, or even fair."

So now SV has run smack into that feature of Wikipedia, and she finds it unsettling.

I can empathize with that.
QUOTE(One @ Tue 28th October 2008, 8:57am) *

Moulton sent me another interesting reply, but he was apparently over his limit:
QUOTE(Moulton via PM)
QUOTE(One @ Tue 28th October 2008, 12:49am) *

Why are we dissing on SlimVirgin here?

She's posted very cogent arguments about ArbCom's failings here. In fact, she agrees with many of the proposals first suggested by users here, and argues for them is a straightforward way. Quite frankly, there's much more criticism of Wikipedia in her posts on Jimbo's talk page than there is in this whole thread.

I get that some people see her as a prolific past abuser, but if she wants to help reform ArbCom, I bless her for it.
SV's talk page is locked, and Somey's Horological Egg Timer still has forty minutes to go, so I am reduced to using PMs again.

This is not the first time the issue of Due Process has come up. And the last time Lar opined on the issue, he went on record to say, "The thing is, the project doesn't DO due process. There is no reason to expect it. This is not a governance experiment, a society, or even fair."

So now SV has run smack into that feature of Wikipedia, and she finds it unsettling.

I can empathize with that.

Thanks for that. It was a good pun the first few times Moulton used it. It is a little worn by now, not wrong, just worn.
So any fallout?
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