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Peter Damian
QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:26pm) *

Throughout this matter FT2 has received the worst possible press, his reputation has been torn to shreds and he has been villified. Now that the matter is about to be archived it seems wrong that it goes into the annals of history incomplete. Implying that you were informing the sort of people who would burn his house, dig up his dead grandmother and do God know's what to him, must have been very scary. That was not intemperate, it was pure intimidation. There is never an excuse for such behaviour no matter what the crime - real of imaginary. "Woops sorry" is for standing on someone's toe while dancing. You were fortunate it was FT2, not me, who won the election. You should have read my first emails to you a little closer at that time. I suggest now you let this story come to its final end, but please don't gloat, no one comes out of this with too much credit.

Your first email to me was on 30 June 2008. They mention nothing of this. Or do you mean PM? I am genuinely confused.

Your first PM was on 26 March 2008, concerning Durova. You include the comment "Thanks for your supportive words - it is very sad I have to come to WR to be able to see things in perspective". This was in recognition of the fact that I supported your point of view then, and have continued to support you until now. To the point of breaking up a friendship with someone here because they attacked you.
Your next PM was on 17th April, as follows:

Please help me with FT2 he has me so angry I am beside myself. people tell me my English is excellent, I work in London, I have a good job there, but i just cannot understand what he says, I cannot grasp his thread and points, I just get confused, I understand the inidividual words but not the contest. I don't see my self in the things he is sayin about me. He has a crazy mind just locked into me.

When Dragonfly announced on my talk last night that the blocking admin they used was a kid with emotional problems it became my view all who defend such actions become scum. That having used a young person (he is apparently at University) with problems in such a way, and then see the Arbcom defending them has made me realise they are not the sort of people I am comfortable being around.

Not one of them ever bothered to look and see that 1=2 (Higgin BC) had been pursuing me snapping at comments for ages. It has become too much. They have transformed a project with huge potential into nothing more than a second rate chatroom. The Arbcom are pernicious, malicious and stupid, and I need a break from them.

Please don't let WR attack the kid too much, but they can take FT2 to pieces and leave him so.

I'm just so pleased to see you taking piss out of his English, it makes me feel not so bad.

I have always defended you here and on-wiki with unswerving loyalty. I will try and continue to do so. So I don't quite understand why you are suddenly given me the Rottweiler treatment. I have apologised and said I regret those things 'bitterly'. Shall I say it again? It is not quite saying 'oops' after treading on someone's toe.
Kelly Martin
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:40am) *
I have always defended you here and on-wiki with unswerving loyalty. I will try and continue to do so. So I don't quite understand why you are suddenly given me the Rottweiler treatment. I have apologised and said I regret those things 'bitterly'. Shall I say it again? It is not quite saying 'oops' after treading on someone's toe.
Peter, you were used in an attempt to take out one enemy; now they are hoping to flip that enemy in their quest to take out a greater one. They're more than willing to sacrifice you in that quest.

You will quickly discover that many of your "friends" don't actually care about you, but only aligned with you because you were against one of their enemies.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:51am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:40am) *
I have always defended you here and on-wiki with unswerving loyalty. I will try and continue to do so. So I don't quite understand why you are suddenly given me the Rottweiler treatment. I have apologised and said I regret those things 'bitterly'. Shall I say it again? It is not quite saying 'oops' after treading on someone's toe.
Peter, you were used in an attempt to take out one enemy; now they are hoping to flip that enemy in their quest to take out a greater one. They're more than willing to sacrifice you in that quest.

You will quickly discover that many of your "friends" don't actually care about you, but only aligned with you because you were against one of their enemies.

Which is, of course, how scholars and people of good will go about writing an encyclopedia.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:51am) *
Peter, you were used in an attempt to take out one enemy; now they are hoping to flip that enemy in their quest to take out a greater one. They're more than willing to sacrifice you in that quest.

I'm a little curious about how you yourself feel about this, KM - you've known Dave Gerard online since before Wikipedia, going back to Usenet and all that anti-Scientology stuff, right? You probably know as well as anyone that Dave has few (if any) qualms about resorting to dirty tricks and clever deceits in the service of whatever cause he happens to be defending at the time. I myself wouldn't be here at all if it hadn't been for one of them, in fact.

Back in the Old West days, when the Rule of Law finally arrived on the former frontier, and previously lawless towns became cities with police and judges and so on, a lot of the old shoot-from-the-hip gunslingers had a difficult time adapting because their skills were no longer required. I suppose some of them may have managed to become authors and movie-script consultants, but only the literate ones. Dave is more of a bile-slinger (and sarcasm-slinger?) than a gunslinger, but IMO the same issues apply - where would he go? What would he do after Wikipedia?

It just seems to me that Dave has a vested interest in keeping Wikipedia as chaotic and drama-ridden as possible, so that he himself doesn't become obsolete.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:51pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:40am) *
I have always defended you here and on-wiki with unswerving loyalty. I will try and continue to do so. So I don't quite understand why you are suddenly given me the Rottweiler treatment. I have apologised and said I regret those things 'bitterly'. Shall I say it again? It is not quite saying 'oops' after treading on someone's toe.
Peter, you were used in an attempt to take out one enemy; now they are hoping to flip that enemy in their quest to take out a greater one. They're more than willing to sacrifice you in that quest.

You will quickly discover that many of your "friends" don't actually care about you, but only aligned with you because you were against one of their enemies.

She's right, you know, Pete. You were once a white knight in a really good position on the board. Now you're being set-up to be sacrificed in a gambit to "get" the Black Queen. Probably. Heh!
QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:26pm) *

<loads of stuff>

Wow. ermm.gif I really don't know how to see this; for the past however many months you've been complaining about FT2 and this issue and kind of defending Peter Damian, and then suddenly when FT2 resigns Peter Damian should have been banned a long time ago and he was so cruel to poor FT2??? what. If you're really saying what I think you're saying, you're a manipulative dick and I no longer have any sympathy for you.
QUOTE(FT2 @ Sat 17th January 2009, 6:19am) *

Question for you though. Do you really believe I've studied or been involved in most of what I edit in depth on? [...]

I worked on the Astrotheology (now deleted) article and got called, among other things, an Atheist, which further escalated into accusations to have a sole purpose to troll Wikipedia. Obviously, from your actions in ArbCom you believed it too along with the rest of the junk.

You seem to have understood, when you asked is it fair to believe that you have interest in zoophilia is because of a personal taste.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
No, and ditto the others. My claim was that certain of your edits were biased and slanted. Having been through many of your edits, I can confirm absolutely that there is no evidence whatsoever you have practised any of the things you talked about.

So let's have this said formally. Am I hereby acquitted of being a criminal sexual abuser and cultist, in your most insightful and penetrative gaze? Can I go back to being "an editor who likes tough articles", who has awareness of that topic area via anti-abuse work, and who also positively salivates at the prospect of good quality information? As opposed to say, a cultist POV pusher who likes to get his leg over in weird ways? smile.gif I mean, I've lived with you saying things for a long time now. But if that's what you're saying then let's hear it properly.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
I already said this while discussing the issue in private with WJBScribe last year. But you nonetheless put a positive and (to my mind) biased slant on many of those edits.

What seems to happen is, your "mind" doesn't seem to conceptualize "neutral" when your emotions get in the way. It tends to reason along the lines "I don't want it that way, it shouldn't be that way, so it can't be that way."

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
My main concern at the time and afterwards was the Neurolinguistic programming articles, and I bitterly regret having brought the other matter up at all.

Virtually every last email to me, every post, everything you alleged on Wikipedia and wrote to "activists" off Wikipedia at that time, was about "the other matter". N'est-ce-pas?

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
I put forward the view (on a page which is now unfortunately also oversighted) that having someone promoting these views in this way on the Arbcom would turn out to be a public relations disaster, and would split the community. A view which turned out to be entirely correct.

Deleted, not oversighted. And no, it was about as incorrect as it gets, as many in the community told you at the time: 1/ The media didn't care, 2/ when you tried to make them care, they still didn't much care, 3/ the community still didn't care, 4/ your entire success has been to use David Gerard's mistake to get one article written by Cade Metz, and his interest was the use of Oversight - otherwise even he wouldn't have cared.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
"If it helps, can I apologise to FT2 here and now. I am sorry for the intemperate comments I made during the week of Dec 4 2007. I have an appalling temper and should know better. I bitterly regret all those remarks."

I'm sure you are, but this is still completely a "political" apology. It's worthless. You need to make good by actions, not words - and probably a lot of them over an extended period. You "apologized" every time the heat round you grew or when you wanted something, and it didn't change a thing. Crossref The Boy Who Cried Wolf. I doubt you mean a word of it now either - except the regret that you didn't do it differently and with more success, more subtlety, less backlash. Am I roughly right?

I would accept a genuine apology. My apology after Orangemarlin was to take the backlash for the committee without arguing, and spend 6 months trying hard to get Arbcom process modified so it couldn't happen again. Was that fair? No. But it was right. And not making a public deal of it to get "capital", just doing it anyway to try and ensure it could never go that way again, quietly and in private.

That's an apology to the community. That's what genuine regret looks like, Damian.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
Should we not move on? (Snip)
It is Gerard and Jimbo whom the focus should be on now.

"Lets walk away from that umm.. unfortunate feedback - next slide and next hanging party!"

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:59am) *
And I am not splitting hairs. The distinction between accusations about 'promotion' and 'practice' is about as important as you can get.

I blanked the evidence page I prepared. But any user who wishes to check your actual allegations (on wiki and to third parties) to confirm they were actual allegations/implications of criminal activity, contrary to everything you have tried to claim since, can do so.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:59am) *
I have admitted the blame for the intemperate remarks. I apologise. I retract nothing else.

/no comment/

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:59am) *
Any follow-up on the issues that concerned me - pseudoscience and all the rest - were thereafter treated as 'harrassment'.

Which, of course, they were. You took up editing them because you believed I cared about the topic, a mere 3 days after your unban -- and you made sure to post little "Dear FT2" love-notes to my talk page about it just in case I might miss the point or not realize you were trying to "get" at me smile.gif
Peter Damian
QUOTE(FT2 @ Sat 17th January 2009, 5:04pm) *

So let's have this said formally. Am I hereby acquitted of being a criminal sexual abuser and cultist, in your most insightful and penetrative gaze? Can I go back to being "an editor who likes tough articles", who has awareness of that topic area, and who also positively salivates at the prospect of good quality information? As opposed to say, a cultist POV pusher who likes to get his leg over in weird ways? smile.gif I mean, I've lived with you saying things for a long time now. But if that's what you're saying then let's hear it properly.

[too long and boring]

No, you are a cultist POV pusher. See my entire re-write of the Neurolinguistic programming article. And see pretty much any talk page of the Zoophilia article.

I have no view on the leg-over bit, apart from what I said above - there is no evidence that I have seen of anything other than bias and promotion.

In any case, if you see my talk page, I am taking an extended Wiki vacation. The politics has got a bit too much for me.

As a legacy I leave you this

I hope it helps.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(FT2 @ Sat 17th January 2009, 5:04pm) *

your entire success has been to use David Gerard's mistake to get one article written by Cade Metz, and his interest was the use of Oversight - otherwise even he wouldn't have cared.

Entirely incorrect you don't know what you are talking about. A third party asked Metz to phone me from San Francisco. I said I would talk to him on the understanding he focused on the oversighting and policy aspect and I emphasised that the issue was of 'promotion' not 'practice'

I also complained to him afterwards about the lurid tone of the article. He can confirm this.
Kelly Martin
QUOTE(Somey @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:17am) *
I'm a little curious about how you yourself feel about this, KM - you've known Dave Gerard online since before Wikipedia, going back to Usenet and all that anti-Scientology stuff, right? You probably know as well as anyone that Dave has few (if any) qualms about resorting to dirty tricks and clever deceits in the service of whatever cause he happens to be defending at the time. I myself wouldn't be here at all if it hadn't been for one of them, in fact.

Back in the Old West days, when the Rule of Law finally arrived on the former frontier, and previously lawless towns became cities with police and judges and so on, a lot of the old shoot-from-the-hip gunslingers had a difficult time adapting because their skills were no longer required. I suppose some of them may have managed to become authors and movie-script consultants, but only the literate ones. Dave is more of a bile-slinger (and sarcasm-slinger?) than a gunslinger, but IMO the same issues apply - where would he go? What would he do after Wikipedia?

It just seems to me that Dave has a vested interest in keeping Wikipedia as chaotic and drama-ridden as possible, so that he himself doesn't become obsolete.
David has fingers in many pies. He is, as many of us know, quite active in Uncyclopedia, and we learned recently that he was in some way involved in several shock sites (lemonparty being probably the most notable of these). I think David has a very high personal drama demand, and keeps himself engaged in multiple dramaturgies in order to satisfy that need. The effective death of USENET must have hit him hard; that's a lot of lost opportunities for drama.

He should get a ham license and hang out on 75 meters; he'd fit in well there.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:28pm) *

QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 8:35am) *
and Gerard's role has been largely forgotten as attention has been re-focused on me. Only on Wikipedia does Nemesis seem to turn a blind eye.
This statement reinforces my belief that David Gerard was, and remains, a primary target of the Giano-Bishonen axis.

Gosh Kelly, you are so perceptive, yes it's true! Bishonen and I sit up all night plotting against David Gerard setting traps for him to perform illegal oversights, perform illegal checkusers and so on and he falls into the traps each time - you've spotted that gullible soft eager to please streak he has. Oh hell, we had not counted on your Miss Marple like razor brain seeing through us. The truth is if Bishonen had not brought the whole sorry saga to a close, by blocking FT2, it would still be dragging on - she is a daft woman, she should have allowed it to fester on damaging more and more people think of the scores she and I could have settled if she had. However, there is a plus, the arbcom are looking at Gerard's role, I am told, and as you know I have huge influence over the Arbcom so I expect he will be hung drawn, quartered and flogged naked off the site. This has been my intention since I first evilly encouraged FT2 to write about bestiality.Now you've foiled the plot - Damm you.

QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:07pm) *

Damm you.


Careful, Kelly. This guy damns a fig tree and it withers.
Kelly Martin
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Sat 17th January 2009, 2:11pm) *
QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:07pm) *
Damm you.

Careful, Kelly. This guy damns a fig tree and it withers.
I'll take my chances. smile.gif
Doc glasgow
QUOTE(Giano @ Fri 16th January 2009, 9:01pm) *

This thread seems to have deviated from FT2, so perhaps now is the time to say that he was not totally 100% in the wrong - the trouble at Wikipedia was - no one knew how to help him or P Damain out of their hole without being accused of partisanship. Because of this, the problem grew, it was also hugely assisted by a complete lack of communication (please no cracks about FT's verbosity) - I only recently understood how bad that communication was - what I thought was known by the Arbs appears not to have been known at all - and yet I can't quite believe that. I have tried to help both, but there was a mind-set, an implacable mind-set on both sides - and I only now realise, I was being stuffed in trying to sort this in other areas. Once Gerard moved in, oversighting and running rampant and seemingly only conversing with Jimbo the whole thing became confused, everyone protecting each other. I doubt anyone other than Jimbo himself, who was ignorant on the matter of who was on which side, and who was on neither, could have sorted it. Ultimately, FT2 had to resign, he had confused and prevaricated for too long - and justice has to be black and white, but sometimes the truth is rather more honest but very confused. In this instance there was no one with an ounce of nouse to sort the problem and so like Topsy it just grew.


Since praise is too seldom offered here, let me say that I was taken back by the wisdom and perception of the above. I don't agree with it 100%, but nevertheless it has incite and perspective.

QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:45pm) *

QUOTE(Giano @ Fri 16th January 2009, 9:01pm) *

This thread seems to have deviated from FT2, so perhaps now is the time to say that he was not totally 100% in the wrong - the trouble at Wikipedia was - no one knew how to help him or P Damain out of their hole without being accused of partisanship. Because of this, the problem grew, it was also hugely assisted by a complete lack of communication (please no cracks about FT's verbosity) - I only recently understood how bad that communication was - what I thought was known by the Arbs appears not to have been known at all - and yet I can't quite believe that. I have tried to help both, but there was a mind-set, an implacable mind-set on both sides - and I only now realise, I was being stuffed in trying to sort this in other areas. Once Gerard moved in, oversighting and running rampant and seemingly only conversing with Jimbo the whole thing became confused, everyone protecting each other. I doubt anyone other than Jimbo himself, who was ignorant on the matter of who was on which side, and who was on neither, could have sorted it. Ultimately, FT2 had to resign, he had confused and prevaricated for too long - and justice has to be black and white, but sometimes the truth is rather more honest but very confused. In this instance there was no one with an ounce of nouse to sort the problem and so like Topsy it just grew.


Since praise is too seldom offered here, let me say that I was taken back by the wisdom and perception of the above. I don't agree with it 100%, but nevertheless it has incite and perspective.


Yes Giano is often incite-ful.
QUOTE(Giano @ Fri 16th January 2009, 11:46pm) *

He actually needed protection and advice on dealing with the bear pit, that is Wikipedia.

That's exactly what I think, and have told him so. He seems to think he deserves slagging off and will just sit there and take it. For instance, the comments by RHMED to his talk page mocking him, he left up for ages. I think it will make him prone to depression or something, if he just lets people walk all over him in their comments.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 2:48pm) *

QUOTE(FT2 @ Sat 17th January 2009, 2:19pm) *

Question for you though. Do you really believe I've studied or been involved in most of what I edit in depth on? Do you believe I'm a lawyer because I authored a number of law articles and added in-depth on a range of others?

No, and ditto the others. My claim was that certain of your edits were biased and slanted.

Not so- you said you might report him to the RSPCA or something. That implies you thought he did something to animals they should know about.

I for one think the edits were somewhat erm...disturbing and he seemed to exhibit a knowledge of what might well be the inner life/self-justifications of someone with this issue. I showed someone the edits and within a couple of sentences they'd made up their mind. Maybe it was just an unfortunate impression the edits created. There was the block over "chocolate labrador", for 3RR too, although I think he was actually reverting a vandal, it shows someone taking particular care of that article.

QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sat 17th January 2009, 3:51pm) *

Peter, you were used in an attempt to take out one enemy; now they are hoping to flip that enemy in their quest to take out a greater one.

Who are they trying to get at now, do you think? Not disagreeing with you, just I can't see their target yet. I too am surprised G has turned on Peter. If they're after David G, why not go straight for him? Or is it just that FT was the easier target?

QUOTE(FT2 @ Sat 17th January 2009, 5:04pm) *

Can I go back to being "an editor who likes tough articles", who has awareness of that topic area via anti-abuse work

Oh come on, these were some of your first edits. People don't even know about the wiki rule of Neutral Point of View when they join the project. They write about something they're fired up about, usually with a point of view. For instance, they might post a link to their own site, or in my case my most serious IRL enemies had written vanity and POV articles about themselves and how wonderful they are, so I joined to contribute to the AfDs smile.gif
Peter Damian
QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:19pm) *

Not so- you said you might report him to the RSPCA or something. That implies you thought he did something to animals they should know about.

No not so that is a complete fabrication and you should know that from the Dec 2007 email I copied you last week. For goodness sake.

I said I would be contacting the appropriate organisations, by which I meant some of the organisations that had expressed concern about the Zoophilia article (e.g. ASAIRS). I talked to a couple then W Scribe asked me to stop & I did. Then they blocked my anyway (partly o/a of a crossed wire with Scribe which I had explained before) and then they oversighted.

The Zoophilia article was and still is a disgrace.
QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sat 17th January 2009, 8:53pm) *
I think it will make him prone to depression or something, if he just lets people walk all over him in their comments.

I hear your pain. What say we set up a small sanctuary for poor old FT2 on WR? A virtual soup-kitchen, as it were, where he can come in out of the cold and have a cup of tea? And a biscuit if he's good.

QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:10pm) *
There was the block over "chocolate labrador", for 3RR too, although I think he was actually reverting a vandal, it shows someone taking particular care of that article.

"Chocolate Labrador"? This just keeps getting weirder. I'm scared.
QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 2:07pm) *
Gosh Kelly, you are so perceptive, yes it's true! Bishonen and I sit up all night plotting against David Gerard setting traps for him to perform illegal oversights, perform illegal checkusers and so on and he falls into the traps each time - you've spotted that gullible soft eager to please streak he has.

Assuming you mean "eager to please" himself, I don't think it's so hard to spot... dry.gif

Seriously, though, there are such things as "targets of opportunity." And if in the process of catching one fish you manage to get a hook into a bigger one, that's more a case of working events to your advantage. It doesn't necessarily mean you must have plotted to get the bigger fish all along...

...there is a plus, the arbcom are looking at Gerard's role, I am told, and as you know I have huge influence over the Arbcom so I expect he will be hung drawn, quartered and flogged naked off the site. This has been my intention since I first evilly encouraged FT2 to write about bestiality.Now you've foiled the plot - Damm you.

Well, her having foiled the plot (such as it is) would only be damnable if there had been plans to take lurid photographs of the hanging, drawing, quartering, and flogging, which would now tragically have to be scrapped.

Like I mentioned earlier, Dave is a very clever deceiver, manipulator, and deal-maker - to get concrete evidence of wrongdoing on his part is actually something of an achievement, given the way he operates.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:20pm) *

QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:19pm) *

Not so- you said you might report him to the RSPCA or something. That implies you thought he did something to animals they should know about.

No not so that is a complete fabrication and you should know that from the Dec 2007 email I copied you last week. For goodness sake.

I said I would be contacting the appropriate organisations, by which I meant some of the organisations that had expressed concern about the Zoophilia article (e.g. ASAIRS). I talked to a couple then W Scribe asked me to stop & I did. Then they blocked my anyway (partly o/a of a crossed wire with Scribe which I had explained before) and then they oversighted.

The Zoophilia article was and still is a disgrace.

Appropriate organisations, now that depends on interpretation of appropriate, your exact words, from that date, to FT2 were "I am posting at various activist sites, and spreading the word. Expect to hear MUCH more of this." or am I mistaken, is that a lie are they not your exact words? (the higher case emphasis is yours)

Peter Damian
QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:07pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:20pm) *

QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:19pm) *

Not so- you said you might report him to the RSPCA or something. That implies you thought he did something to animals they should know about.

No not so that is a complete fabrication and you should know that from the Dec 2007 email I copied you last week. For goodness sake.

I said I would be contacting the appropriate organisations, by which I meant some of the organisations that had expressed concern about the Zoophilia article (e.g. ASAIRS). I talked to a couple then W Scribe asked me to stop & I did. Then they blocked my anyway (partly o/a of a crossed wire with Scribe which I had explained before) and then they oversighted.

The Zoophilia article was and still is a disgrace.

Appropriate organisations, now that depends on interpretation of appropriate, your exact words, from that date, to FT2 were "I am posting at various activist sites,
and spreading the word. Expect to hear MUCH more of this." or am I mistaken, is that a lie are they not your exact words? (the higher case emphasis is yours)


That is consistent with my intention to contact ASAIRS - an organisation set up to combat Zoophiliac propaganda on the internet. As I said, I stopped this shortly afterwards. (and ASAIRS is moribund, anyway).

And why, if the edits were not bestialist propaganda, as I think they were, should FT2 have any difficulty with this? I wanted a second opinion of the edits, and I was particularly concerned that Wikipedia was prepared to appoint to a high position a person who was promoting this propaganda.

It seems Giano you do not view this as propaganda. In which case you could not view the message as a realistic threat.

[edit] I also discussed the issue at 'Veggie boards' but there was no great interest as it turns out that a number of these vegetarian eco-warrior types are themselves quite keen on these sorts of activities - FT2 will recall from his experience of the Zoophilia talk pages that this has happened once before.

[edit] Here indeed it is

A sad user called Seus Hawkins tried to contact a Vegan society in Queensland. FT2 (as sockpuppet User:TBP) has a good laugh at him when he found out that some of the vegans were quite approving of, er, the leg over part.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:16pm) *

QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:07pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:20pm) *

QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:19pm) *

Not so- you said you might report him to the RSPCA or something. That implies you thought he did something to animals they should know about.

No not so that is a complete fabrication and you should know that from the Dec 2007 email I copied you last week. For goodness sake.

I said I would be contacting the appropriate organisations, by which I meant some of the organisations that had expressed concern about the Zoophilia article (e.g. ASAIRS). I talked to a couple then W Scribe asked me to stop & I did. Then they blocked my anyway (partly o/a of a crossed wire with Scribe which I had explained before) and then they oversighted.

The Zoophilia article was and still is a disgrace.

Appropriate organisations, now that depends on interpretation of appropriate, your exact words, from that date, to FT2 were "I am posting at various activist sites,
and spreading the word. Expect to hear MUCH more of this." or am I mistaken, is that a lie are they not your exact words? (the higher case emphasis is yours)


That is consistent with my intention to contact ASAIRS - an organisation set up to combat Zoophiliac propaganda on the internet. As I said, I stopped this shortly afterwards. (and ASAIRS is moribund, anyway).

And why, if the edits were not bestialist propaganda, as I think they were, should FT2 have any difficulty with this? I wanted a second opinion of the edits, and I was particularly concerned that Wikipedia was prepared to appoint to a high position a person who was promoting this propaganda.

It seems Giano you do not view this as propaganda. In which case you could not view the message as a realistic threat.

activist sites

The words you used were "activist sites" that is a plural, what were the other sites? Activist, now there's nasty word, and as for Propganda - Oh just don't go there, you don't know the meaning of the word. Now sites with an "S" what other sites? You are fooling no one.

Peter Damian
QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:26pm) *

The words you used were "activist sites" that is a plural, what were the other sites? Activist, now there's nasty word, and as for Propganda - Oh just don't go there, you don't know the meaning of the word. Now sites with an "S" what other sites? You are fooling no one.

It is blatant propaganda. You are fooling no one either, O Giano. The oversighted edits were not the only edits I had a concern about. Shall we talk about some of those?

[edit] If you read the edit to my previous post, you will see there were two sites.

Activist, now there's nasty word

Veggie boards?

And here is someone else who feels it is all propaganda.

I wish to quote someone else's views on the Zoophilia page, and note that the problems highlighted in this quote are what got me started on the zoophilia page in the first place, attempting to insert balance, and even though I now have a separate page for the health issue, the party responsible for the tone of the original page is intent on pursuing me and keeping the tone in lockstep with the master article. Here's the apposite quote: "In my opinion it needs severe editing to the point that it would practically unrecognizeable from its current incarnation. It should also be very considerably shorter than it is, since the bulk of it consists of unnecessary romanticizing of zoophilia. .... this current article is still a terrible embarrassment to wikipedia. In fact I actually found out about it because someone linked it as an example of how wikipedia can get really biased due to POV manipulation by obsessive biased authors with an agenda to wage. In this case, internet bestialists using their group-jargon to butter up the article with heavy romanticizing and POV abuse over a prolonged campaign attempting to 'normalize' an incredibly biased article. To me this would be like creationists manipulating the "science" wiki page to include frequent counter-arguments against the scientific method. Or as previously stated, like pedophiles manipulating the wiki pedophilia page to make child molestation seem more normalized. This is wrong, and I hope someone with a strong sense of neutrality puts their foot down to stop it. Additionally, I would like to add that the current wikipedia entry for "homosexuality" is only slightly shorter than this one is - and that one is currently flagged for being too long. Something is terribly, disagreeably wrong here, and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.". [6 December 2006]
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:29pm) *

QUOTE(Giano @ Sat 17th January 2009, 10:26pm) *

The words you used were "activist sites" that is a plural, what were the other sites? Activist, now there's nasty word, and as for Propganda - Oh just don't go there, you don't know the meaning of the word. Now sites with an "S" what other sites? You are fooling no one.

It is blatant propaganda. You are fooling no one either, O Giano. The oversighted edits were not the only edits I had a concern about. Shall we talk about some of those?

[edit] If you read the edit to my previous post, you will see there were two sites.

Have a pleasant evening. Night!


Sorry—I was trying to refresh, not post.I'm hopeless with this mysterious site, I give up. Bishonen.
QUOTE(Bishonen @ Sat 17th January 2009, 11:59pm) *

Sorry—I was trying to refresh, not post.I'm hopeless with this mysterious site, I give up. Bishonen.

Just click the edit button of your post, Control-a in the edit window, and replace it with something appropriate like "oops'.

There is an interesting comment by JoshuaZ at RFARB#Bishzilla regarding the exposure of his deceptiveness and subsequent humiliation. He has accused someone in a position of authority of leaking secrets to Greg -

There's been some speculation that FT2 was responsible for leaking checkuser data and internal ArbCom deliberations to banned user Greg Kohs. As the individual who was the primary victim of that leak, there is as far as I am aware no evidence that FT2 had anything to do with that leak. We do know based on the details that it almost certainly had to have been an arbitrator, former arbitrator or a developer but there's no reason to think that FT2 had anything to do with that. JoshuaZ (talk) 01:18, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

Who's "we" Josh?

edit: I was reminded that Josh is referring to this leak that originated from the arbcom mailing list.

The JoshuaZ sockpuppeting post
QUOTE(Bishonen @ Sat 17th January 2009, 11:59pm) *
Sorry—I was trying to refresh, not post.I'm hopeless with this mysterious site, I give up. Bishonen.

Why not ask Bishzilla what to do?
Bishzilla not post while try to refresh. Mysterious site Wikipedia Review not intimidate Bishzilla. Bishzilla not hopeless and give up intimidate Tokyo, etc.
QUOTE(FT2 @ Sat 17th January 2009, 5:04pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
No, and ditto the others. My claim was that certain of your edits were biased and slanted. Having been through many of your edits, I can confirm absolutely that there is no evidence whatsoever you have practised any of the things you talked about.

So let's have this said formally. Am I hereby acquitted of being a criminal sexual abuser and cultist, in your most insightful and penetrative gaze? Can I go back to being "an editor who likes tough articles", who has awareness of that topic area via anti-abuse work, and who also positively salivates at the prospect of good quality information? As opposed to say, a cultist POV pusher who likes to get his leg over in weird ways? smile.gif I mean, I've lived with you saying things for a long time now. But if that's what you're saying then let's hear it properly.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
I already said this while discussing the issue in private with WJBScribe last year. But you nonetheless put a positive and (to my mind) biased slant on many of those edits.

What seems to happen is, your "mind" doesn't seem to conceptualize "neutral" when your emotions get in the way. It tends to reason along the lines "I don't want it that way, it shouldn't be that way, so it can't be that way."

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
My main concern at the time and afterwards was the Neurolinguistic programming articles, and I bitterly regret having brought the other matter up at all.

Virtually every last email to me, every post, everything you alleged on Wikipedia and wrote to "activists" off Wikipedia at that time, was about "the other matter". N'est-ce-pas?

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
I put forward the view (on a page which is now unfortunately also oversighted) that having someone promoting these views in this way on the Arbcom would turn out to be a public relations disaster, and would split the community. A view which turned out to be entirely correct.

Deleted, not oversighted. And no, it was about as incorrect as it gets, as many in the community told you at the time: 1/ The media didn't care, 2/ when you tried to make them care, they still didn't much care, 3/ the community still didn't care, 4/ your entire success has been to use David Gerard's mistake to get one article written by Cade Metz, and his interest was the use of Oversight - otherwise even he wouldn't have cared.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
"If it helps, can I apologise to FT2 here and now. I am sorry for the intemperate comments I made during the week of Dec 4 2007. I have an appalling temper and should know better. I bitterly regret all those remarks."

I'm sure you are, but this is still completely a "political" apology. It's worthless. You need to make good by actions, not words - and probably a lot of them over an extended period. You "apologized" every time the heat round you grew or when you wanted something, and it didn't change a thing. Crossref The Boy Who Cried Wolf. I doubt you mean a word of it now either - except the regret that you didn't do it differently and with more success, more subtlety, less backlash. Am I roughly right?

I would accept a genuine apology. My apology after Orangemarlin was to take the backlash for the committee without arguing, and spend 6 months trying hard to get Arbcom process modified so it couldn't happen again. Was that fair? No. But it was right. And not making a public deal of it to get "capital", just doing it anyway to try and ensure it could never go that way again, quietly and in private.

That's an apology to the community. That's what genuine regret looks like, Damian.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:48am) *
Should we not move on? (Snip)
It is Gerard and Jimbo whom the focus should be on now.

"Lets walk away from that umm.. unfortunate feedback - next slide and next hanging party!"

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:59am) *
And I am not splitting hairs. The distinction between accusations about 'promotion' and 'practice' is about as important as you can get.

I blanked the evidence page I prepared. But any user who wishes to check your actual allegations (on wiki and to third parties) to confirm they were actual allegations/implications of criminal activity, contrary to everything you have tried to claim since, can do so.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:59am) *
I have admitted the blame for the intemperate remarks. I apologise. I retract nothing else.

/no comment/

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sat 17th January 2009, 9:59am) *
Any follow-up on the issues that concerned me - pseudoscience and all the rest - were thereafter treated as 'harrassment'.

Which, of course, they were. You took up editing them because you believed I cared about the topic, a mere 3 days after your unban -- and you made sure to post little "Dear FT2" love-notes to my talk page about it just in case I might miss the point or not realize you were trying to "get" at me smile.gif


It’s impossible not to see the huge discrepancies between your statements and your behaviour.

People are not calling you a dogshagger to your face. Nobody is taking you to court for abusing labradors.

What has happened is that folks have noticed you have been trying to take them for a ride. Your extreme and indirect verbosity and inclination towards the defence of the fringe psychocult of neuro linguistic programming are only indicators of your approach to your abuse of Wikipedia.

The research that people have placed in WR shows significant evidence of you promoting fringe beyond reason.

The many links in the FT2 section of WR show evidence of you trying to push fringe argument and you trying to stifle majority ethical reasoning. The evidence shows you trying to drive off editors who simply provide research to correct your obviously fringe pushing antics.

There are a lot of people who have seen what you do, and are simply sick of your abuse.


I have seen scant evidence of ethical reasoning in the Wikisphere.

And ethical reasoning has never been in the majority, on Wikipedia or anywhere else on this planet, since the dawn of civilization.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 18th January 2009, 3:47pm) *

I have seen scant evidence of ethical reasoning in the Wikisphere.

And ethical reasoning has never been in the majority, on Wikipedia or anywhere else on this planet, since the dawn of civilization.

Hi Moulton

I am pessimistic about WP, but optimistic about the world. Legal systems the world over have their faults. However, there are intelligent and reasonable ethically based rationales that put the welfare of animals in terms of fiduciary duty (duty of care). WP should start to work towards making sure those views are presented correctly.

FT2 and others do seem to have worked hard to occlude those views, and other ethically based views against the spread of general misinformation by psychocults such as neuro linguistic programming.

People don't base their objections solely on the "yuk" scale when evaluating pro-bestiality arguments. There is a strong ethical base to many people's gag reflex.


Since the ArbCom is obviously not going to desysop Bishonen/Bishzilla, it ought to at least put an end to this joke account adminship nonsense. I made the following request in my statement: "I call on the ArbCom to require that Bishonen use admin powers only on her main account. The Bishzilla account has a comedic nature that is not suited to the role of adminship, and furthermore it was the Bishonen account, behaving as a serious user, that passed RfA."

Personally, I think that anyone who believes it's appropriate to exercise adminship through a secondary joke account is unsuited to adminship on any account, without even considering Bishonen's conduct in the recent incident or past events.
QUOTE(Docknell @ Sun 18th January 2009, 3:56pm) *

I am pessimistic about WP, but optimistic about the world. Legal systems the world over have their faults. However, there are intelligent and reasonable ethically based rationales that put the welfare of animals in terms of fiduciary duty (duty of care). WP should start to work towards making sure those views are presented correctly.

FT2 and others do seem to have worked hard to occlude those views, and other ethically based views against the spread of general misinformation by psychocults such as neuro linguistic programming.

People don't base their objections solely on the "yuk" scale when evaluating pro-bestiality arguments. There is a strong ethical base to many people's gag reflex.


My bold. Yes that is exactly it- not only the yuk factor (although that is quite intense, as animals don't even usually wash, plus it would be quite brutal) but for most of us we see our pets having a relation to us that is more like kids. Not that they think it through that much perhaps, but they are not in a position to give full consent for many reasons, not least that they are almost entirely dependent on us for their food and shelter; also, they have the reasoning powers perhaps of a young child.
QUOTE(everyking @ Sun 18th January 2009, 5:43pm) *

Since the ArbCom is obviously not going to desysop Bishonen/Bishzilla, it ought to at least put an end to this joke account adminship nonsense. I made the following request in my statement: "I call on the ArbCom to require that Bishonen use admin powers only on her main account. The Bishzilla account has a comedic nature that is not suited to the role of adminship, and furthermore it was the Bishonen account, behaving as a serious user, that passed RfA."

Personally, I think that anyone who believes it's appropriate to exercise adminship through a secondary joke account is unsuited to adminship on any account, without even considering Bishonen's conduct in the recent incident or past events.

Jesus H. Christ. How a humourless sod like you managed to get yourself de-sysopped is a complete mystery. Sounds to me like you'd fit in well there.
QUOTE(everyking @ Sun 18th January 2009, 5:43pm) *

Personally, I think that anyone who believes it's appropriate to exercise adminship through a secondary joke account is unsuited to adminship on any account, without even considering Bishonen's conduct in the recent incident or past events.

Bishzilla slightly exaggerates reality to make a statement that demonstrates the true nature of governance of Wikipedia. I believe the account is a net positive.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sun 18th January 2009, 10:48am) *

QUOTE(Docknell @ Sun 18th January 2009, 3:56pm) *

I am pessimistic about WP, but optimistic about the world. Legal systems the world over have their faults. However, there are intelligent and reasonable ethically based rationales that put the welfare of animals in terms of fiduciary duty (duty of care). WP should start to work towards making sure those views are presented correctly.

FT2 and others do seem to have worked hard to occlude those views, and other ethically based views against the spread of general misinformation by psychocults such as neuro linguistic programming.

People don't base their objections solely on the "yuk" scale when evaluating pro-bestiality arguments. There is a strong ethical base to many people's gag reflex.


My bold. Yes that is exactly it- not only the yuk factor (although that is quite intense, as animals don't even usually wash, plus it would be quite brutal) but for most of us we see our pets having a relation to us that is more like kids. Not that they think it through that much perhaps, but they are not in a position to give full consent for many reasons, not least that they are almost entirely dependent on us for their food and shelter; also, they have the reasoning powers perhaps of a young child.

Quite. With that limited mentality, it's amazing that God lets any of them breed at all. blink.gif

Disgust is undoubtably a motivating factor when classical moralists declare some practice to be "an abomination in the eyes of God."

But ethical reasoning is considerably more sophisticated than a preachy rationalization of a moral war on disgust.

Ethical reasoning involves an insightful reckoning of long-term consequences, and eschews practices that will send those poor young animals into tearful years of adult therapy.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 18th January 2009, 8:41pm) *

Disgust is undoubtably a motivating factor when classical moralists declare some practice to be "an abomination in the eyes of God."

But ethical reasoning is considerably more sophisticated than a preachy rationalization of a moral war on disgust.

Ethical reasoning involves an insightful reckoning of long-term consequences, and eschews practices that will send those poor young animals into tearful years of adult therapy.

Disgust and ethical considerations are often one and the same. Think of one's reactions to hearing of rape, incest etc. Not saying they're necessarily the same in this case. When disgust is not aligned to ethics, it often is more akin to the feeling of something that's physically a turn-off or a feeling of being disturbed/ creeped out, perhaps.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sun 18th January 2009, 9:13pm) *

QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 18th January 2009, 8:41pm) *

Disgust is undoubtably a motivating factor when classical moralists declare some practice to be "an abomination in the eyes of God."

But ethical reasoning is considerably more sophisticated than a preachy rationalization of a moral war on disgust.

Ethical reasoning involves an insightful reckoning of long-term consequences, and eschews practices that will send those poor young animals into tearful years of adult therapy.

Disgust and ethical considerations are often one and the same. Think of one's reactions to hearing of rape, incest etc. Not saying they're necessarily the same in this case. When disgust is not aligned to ethics, it often is more akin to the feeling of something that's physically a turn-off or a feeling of being disturbed/ creeped out, perhaps.

Not quite. Children often do things that are quite disgusting. So do mentally disturbed people. So do old people, actually. A nurse told me that old men in a ward would often masturbate in front of her.

But you don't blame them for it, at least (in the case of children) you don't blame them in a deep-down sense.

On the other side, there are things that are not disgusting in any visceral sense that people deeply disapprove of regard as deeply wrong.

Cleary Giano felt it was deeply wrong of me to send that email to FT2 December 2007. But he didn't find it disgusting in a visceral or 'yukky' kind of way.

Our sense of right and wrong is closely tied to that of responsibility and freedom of choice.

But if there is a certain order of causes according to which everything happens which does happen, then by fate, says he, all things happen which do happen. But if this be so, then is there nothing in our own power, and there is no such thing as freedom of will; and if we grant that, says he, the whole economy of human life is subverted. In vain are laws enacted. In vain are reproaches, praises, chidings, exhortations had recourse to; and there is no justice whatever in the appointment of rewards for the good, and punishments for the wicked.

Augustine, City of God V . 14
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sun 18th January 2009, 10:19pm) *

QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sun 18th January 2009, 9:13pm) *

QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 18th January 2009, 8:41pm) *

Disgust is undoubtably a motivating factor when classical moralists declare some practice to be "an abomination in the eyes of God."

But ethical reasoning is considerably more sophisticated than a preachy rationalization of a moral war on disgust.

Ethical reasoning involves an insightful reckoning of long-term consequences, and eschews practices that will send those poor young animals into tearful years of adult therapy.

Disgust and ethical considerations are often one and the same. Think of one's reactions to hearing of rape, incest etc. Not saying they're necessarily the same in this case. When disgust is not aligned to ethics, it often is more akin to the feeling of something that's physically a turn-off or a feeling of being disturbed/ creeped out, perhaps.

Not quite. Children often do things that are quite disgusting. So do mentally disturbed people. So do old people, actually. A nurse told me that old men in a ward would often masturbate in front of her.

But you don't blame them for it, at least (in the case of children) you don't blame them in a deep-down sense.

On the other side, there are things that are not disgusting in any visceral sense that people deeply disapprove of regard as deeply wrong.

Cleary Giano felt it was deeply wrong of me to send that email to FT2 December 2007. But he didn't find it disgusting in a visceral or 'yukky' kind of way.

How on earth do you know in what way I find things disgusting? However, let me tell you one of the things I do find disgusting: petty, prisy little Anglo-Catholics preaching second rate morality in order to hide their own failings. Your threats to FT2 were not just disgusting, they were nauseating and cowardly - like your subsequent self-justifing squeeling and shrieking here, on finding that I do not universally admire everything about you. I had some sympathy for you untill I found out just how deep you were prepared to wallow in shit - you have behaved in such a way as to make one beleive you are completely lacking in moral fibre.

About 25 years ago, American Philosopher, Daniel Dennet, published Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting. He takes a systems theoretic approach to the age-old philosophical question of Free Will, pointing out that if we have enough insight to anticipate the likely long-term consequences of a course of action, we can make wise and intelligent choices that lead to a more desirable future outcome.

JK Rowling repeats that wisdom through the character of Dumbledore, who mentors Harry Potter on the matter of choices that define our character.

Ethics is about crafting and employing reliable mental models that anticipate the benefit or harm that flows from a decision. Peter Senge develops that notion into The Fifth Discipline: The Theory and Practice of The Learning Organization.

The art of devising Ethical Best Practices is an essential learnable trait of any successful organization.

It perplexes me why Wikipedia has ignored and eschewed that seminal contribution to the sum of all human knowledge, wisdom, and insight.
QUOTE(Giano @ Sun 18th January 2009, 10:30pm) *

on finding that I do not universally admire everything about you. I had some sympathy for you untill I found out just how deep you were prepared to wallow in shit - you have behaved in such a way as to make one believe you are completely lacking in moral fibre.


Yes that's the prob. If you are not with PD 100% you are against him. A lot of people are like that. However, the timing of you having a go at PD is interesting, in as much as you were trying to get something done over the FT issue so didn't feel able to criticize him till now.

What was in this email? I must've missed it. Was it more threats to report FT to someone?
QUOTE(Giano @ Sun 18th January 2009, 2:30pm) *
However, let me tell you one of the things I do find disgusting: petty, prisy little Anglo-Catholics preaching second rate morality in order to hide their own failings. Your threats to FT2 were not just disgusting, they were nauseating and cowardly - like your subsequent self-justifing squeeling and shrieking here, on finding that I do not universally admire everything about you.

This is great! I gotta get some popcorn! laugh.gif
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 18th January 2009, 3:41pm) *

Disgust is undoubtably a motivating factor when classical moralists declare some practice to be "an abomination in the eyes of God."

But ethical reasoning is considerably more sophisticated than a preachy rationalization of a moral war on disgust.

Ethical reasoning involves an insightful reckoning of long-term consequences, and eschews practices that will send those poor young animals into tearful years of adult therapy.

Disgust is moral reasoning played out on the time scale of evolution.
QUOTE(Giano @ Sun 18th January 2009, 10:30pm) *
How on earth do you know in what way I find things disgusting? However, let me tell you one of the things I do find disgusting: petty, prisy little Anglo-Catholics preaching second rate morality in order to hide their own failings. Your threats to FT2 were not just disgusting, they were nauseating and cowardly - like your subsequent self-justifing squeeling and shrieking here, on finding that I do not universally admire everything about you. I had some sympathy for you untill I found out just how deep you were prepared to wallow in shit - you have behaved in such a way as to make one beleive you are completely lacking in moral fibre.

Come on, Giana. Quit shilly-shallying around. It's important to get these things off your chest. Tell us how you really feel about Pete, for God's sake. No holding back, mind.
QUOTE(Everyking @ Sun 18th January 2009) *
Personally, I think that anyone who believes it's appropriate to exercise adminship through a secondary joke account is unsuited to adminship on any account, without even considering Bishonen's conduct in the recent incident or past events.

But exercising adminship through a primary joke account is OK? ermm.gif

I mean, this is the site that (until recently) had an admin named Can't Sleep, Clown Will Eat Me (T-C-L-K-R-D) , and don't forget current admins with names like Blood Red Sandman (T-C-L-K-R-D) , Butseriouslyfolks (T-C-L-K-R-D) , Cantthinkofagoodname (T-C-L-K-R-D) , Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry (T-C-L-K-R-D) , David Gerard (T-C-L-K-R-D) , Evil saltine (T-C-L-K-R-D) , Faithlessthewonderboy (T-C-L-K-R-D) , Goodnightmush (T-C-L-K-R-D) , Hamster Sandwich (T-C-L-K-R-D) ... should I go on? I'm barely into the H's.
QUOTE(tarantino @ Sun 18th January 2009, 8:21pm) *

QUOTE(everyking @ Sun 18th January 2009, 5:43pm) *

Personally, I think that anyone who believes it's appropriate to exercise adminship through a secondary joke account is unsuited to adminship on any account, without even considering Bishonen's conduct in the recent incident or past events.

Bishzilla slightly exaggerates reality to make a statement that demonstrates the true nature of governance of Wikipedia. I believe the account is a net positive.

Bishonen, angrily responding to my statement, now says that she is retiring the Bishzilla account. Shouldn't she also announce that on the Bishzilla userpage and request the removal of Bishzilla's admin rights?
QUOTE(Giano @ Sun 18th January 2009, 10:30pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Sun 18th January 2009, 10:19pm) *

QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Sun 18th January 2009, 9:13pm) *

QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 18th January 2009, 8:41pm) *

Disgust is undoubtably a motivating factor when classical moralists declare some practice to be "an abomination in the eyes of God."

But ethical reasoning is considerably more sophisticated than a preachy rationalization of a moral war on disgust.

Ethical reasoning involves an insightful reckoning of long-term consequences, and eschews practices that will send those poor young animals into tearful years of adult therapy.

Disgust and ethical considerations are often one and the same. Think of one's reactions to hearing of rape, incest etc. Not saying they're necessarily the same in this case. When disgust is not aligned to ethics, it often is more akin to the feeling of something that's physically a turn-off or a feeling of being disturbed/ creeped out, perhaps.

Not quite. Children often do things that are quite disgusting. So do mentally disturbed people. So do old people, actually. A nurse told me that old men in a ward would often masturbate in front of her.

But you don't blame them for it, at least (in the case of children) you don't blame them in a deep-down sense.

On the other side, there are things that are not disgusting in any visceral sense that people deeply disapprove of regard as deeply wrong.

Cleary Giano felt it was deeply wrong of me to send that email to FT2 December 2007. But he didn't find it disgusting in a visceral or 'yukky' kind of way.

How on earth do you know in what way I find things disgusting? However, let me tell you one of the things I do find disgusting: petty, prisy little Anglo-Catholics preaching second rate morality in order to hide their own failings. Your threats to FT2 were not just disgusting, they were nauseating and cowardly - like your subsequent self-justifing squeeling and shrieking here, on finding that I do not universally admire everything about you. I had some sympathy for you untill I found out just how deep you were prepared to wallow in shit - you have behaved in such a way as to make one beleive you are completely lacking in moral fibre.


Hi Giano

Looking at your essays on WP and comparing with the sort of statements you make here; it seems to me you are starting to sound quite "lower 6th".

The subject of this thread is interesting. Bishonen seems to have done something pretty useful about the problem of FT2. FT2 was always under self-imposed threat because FT2 made obvious promotions of fringe and harmful sexual practices, fringe pseudoscience, and obviously worked hard to find ways to wield power and continue the protection of said obvious fringe biases.

If that statement makes me a prissy anglo catholic type to you, that is just your view. In the UK we generally punish bestialists for abusing animals. It follows that people here have a serious disregard for those who promote the practice as if its some sort of erudite and fashionable lifestyle.

I make no particular claims to being popular, intelligent, or literary. But I know what scientific findings are, and I know who really needs a good clout for abusing privileges, spreading misinformation, and generally trying to lord it over the prols.

I've been following this situation pretty closely for a while. When I read FT2 had been generally discredited as an admin, and then blocked, I suddenly found myself in a very cheerful and positive state of mind. It was as if somebody somewhere had got something right for once.


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