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Full Version: Wikia: Making Money Yet?
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
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Maybe it was edits like these that motivated the Wikia board to have remorse about Gil's talents running a wiki site.

Or maybe it was questions and answers like this one.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 18th October 2011, 10:59pm) *

Maybe it was edits like these that motivated the Wikia board to have remorse about Gil's talents running a wiki site.

Gil didn't really have a good grasp on wiki editing.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 29th January 2010, 3:12pm) *

Jimbo's going by the Quantcast system, not Alexa.

These ranking systems are not foolproof, and you can see Wikia's already back down to 105 from the recent 75 claim.

Now I realize why Jimbo is always citing Quantcast as the arbiter of Wikia traffic rankings. Quantcast is a provider of ad network banners to Wikia, so (of course) they're going to make sure that every page view of Wikia (human, bot, or scraper -- who cares?!) is counted, because it's then in their financial best interest!

Silly me for thinking that Jimbo would have just happened to pick Quantcast for ranking data because it "independently" produced the ranking for Wikia from among Alexa, Comscore, and other similar services. It's always, always, always about the money.
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