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A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 4th June 2010, 3:29pm) *

Assuming that the above is true, what's the best ethical practice for dealing with such a person?

With tongs. ermm.gif

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Fri 4th June 2010, 10:25pm) *

QUOTE(anthony @ Fri 4th June 2010, 7:14pm) *

Is there any software available for online "home games" (no rake, everyone knows each other, winnings are settled via gentle(wo)man's honor)?

boing.gif Putting on Horsey personna. Yeah, let's have those games where winnings are settled via some gentlewoman's honor!

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I am flattened! evilgrin.gif evilgrin.gif evilgrin.gif evilgrin.gif
QUOTE(anthony @ Fri 4th June 2010, 10:14pm) *

Is there any software available for online "home games" (no rake, everyone knows each other, winnings are settled via gentle(wo)man's honor)? What's the legal status of such games? Is there a federal law, or is it state by state? Which state law applies, all states where there are participants?

Years ago, before the whole USA vs. Rest-of-world led to a criminal prosecution of their CEO (if memory serves), used to let you invite together a table of player-friends for a tournament for cash, but there was still the dreaded rake.

I don't even want to open my mouth about the laws that surround any online gaming. I'm not qualified, they're too nebulous anyway, and I disagree with most of them.

As for Gallaraga, I got that all out of my system on Facebook the night it happened. In the aftermath, both Jim Joyce and Armando have conducted themselves in the most upstanding and respectful ways you could ever imagine, along with (for the most part) the fans in Detroit. And, yes, I remember in early 1983 when Milt Wilcox gave up a hit to the 27th batter.

Gallaraga will get his own Wikipedia biography, plus an article devoted to this one game, even if this moron (who is obviously just a trolling account) tried to have it deleted.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd May 2010, 3:26pm) *

It looks like Jimbo Wales tried out the feature on a recent post. Now, when you learn where his location was, it might strike you as a bit funny -- indeed, it may even make you twitter. Jimbo doesn't like people giggling at him, so it's possible he will exercise his right to...

You may delete all location information from your past tweets.
This may take up to 30 minutes.

Therefore, we have helped to keep free information open and free, posting Jimbo's self-disclosed location here for posterity.

Sure enough, Jimbo has changed the location of his post from "via web from Golden Acres, Dunedin" to "via web".
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