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Jon Awbrey
ALEC's Restaurant

More information is coming to light about the move by ALEC, DeVos, Koch, the Mackinac Center, and related entities to co-opt our elected officials into serving their corporate ends, namely, to privatize not only public education, but all current public services, indeed, our very government itself.

Here is an article that came out this week —


Amanda Terkel • “Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles In Wisconsin”

The American Legislative Exchange Council is one of the groups most actively advocating privatization nationwide. It has 2500 legislative members, which is about a third of all state lawmakers around the country. One of its most valuable functions is crafting model legislation that lawmakers can then use to propose real bills in their own states. In the past few years, ALEC-inspired legislation has been popping up with increased frequency around the country.

The group just launched “Publicopoly”, a Monopoly-like board game as part of an “initiative to provide solutions for a more effective, efficient government, and a thriving economy”. Visitors to Publicopoly are able to learn about privatizing seven sectors: government operations, education, transportation and infrastructure, public safety, environment, health, and telecommunications.

Jon Awbrey

Seattle Education • News and Commentary

When we began our blog, we were collecting information from many sources and trying to piece together the reasons for what was happening in our school system in Seattle in 2008 and 2009. We discovered that what was happening in Seattle was reflective of what was an attempt on a national level to transform public education. Only then did the actions of our superintendent in terms of school closures and program changes begin to make sense. We began to make the connections between Dr. Goodloe-Johnson, the Broad Foundation and charter schools and how that involved the Gates Foundation and ultimately the Race to the Top reform movement led by Education Secretary Arne Duncan.

Our focus will still be to collect information regarding education and our goal will be to have an informed public on issues that affect us in Seattle in terms of education but it will now more consciously include looking at what is happening nationally and how that is affecting our public school system in Seattle.

Jon Awbrey
First They'll Take Detroit …

Rick Snyder to announce sweeping DPS reforms Monday (June 19, 2011)

Governor Rick Snyder to announce sweeping DPS reforms today (June 20, 2011)

Sweeping reform plan empowers principals, teachers in low-performing Michigan schools (June 20, 2011)

How new Michigan school district for low-performing schools would work (June 20, 2011)

Snyder had idea for changing DPS even before he was governor (June 21, 2011)

DPS's scholarship promise is short on details and resources (June 21, 2011)

New start for Detroit's worst schools (June 21, 2011)

Editorial • Stronger medicine for sick schools (June 21, 2011)

Eastern Michigan faculty side with teachers' unions, refuse to work in Detroit schools (June 22, 2011)

Art dealer's trial to begin in DPS corruption case (June 22, 2011)

Roy Roberts to cut non-teaching jobs, cancel supplier contracts in effort to transform DPS (June 22, 2011)

Eastern Michigan faculty side with teachers' unions, says they weren't consulted about plan (June 22, 2011)

DPS spent $1.6M on travel, gave raises to consultants (June 24, 2011)

Under Bobb, consultants got raises, perks (June 24, 2011)

Michigan Senate OKs teacher tenure changes (July 1, 2011)
Jon Awbrey
The Michigan-Wisconsin Connection

John Nichols • Right-Wing Billionaires Invest in Wisconsin's Recall Elections
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 9th August 2011, 1:17pm) *

Wikipedia Extends Its Tentacles Into Schools

Internet Evolution
There are so many ways in which the Web can contribute to educational initiatives and enhance the school experience. We've discussed many of them here at Internet Evolution.

On the other hand, even the most Pollyanna-ish advocate of the Internet's merits must surely agree that it can also make a contribution to the dumbing down of social discourse. Perhaps the most direct way this can come about is if Wikipedia, that fount of misinformation, nonsense, and dysfunctional behavior, is allowed to get anywhere near the education system.

Well, I guess we know that Jon is a teacher.

What we don't know is why he hates Wikipedia so much.

Milton Roe
QUOTE(timbo @ Wed 10th August 2011, 5:31pm) *

Well, I guess we know that Jon is a teacher.

What we don't know is why he hates Wikipedia so much.


I've pretty much assumed he was Marian the Librarian from River City for a long time now. I don't think he coaches or is in charge of the glee club.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Wed 10th August 2011, 9:49pm) *

QUOTE(timbo @ Wed 10th August 2011, 5:31pm) *

Well, I guess we know that Jon is a teacher.

What we don't know is why he hates Wikipedia so much.


I've pretty much assumed he was Marian the Librarian from River City for a long time now. I don't think he coaches or is in charge of the glee club.

He who teaches … is a teacher …

Broadway and Hollywood may demand happy endings for their musicals, but even Marian the Librarian knows that con men don't have hearts of gold in the real world, and you kiddies will still be waiting for your trombones When The Saints Go Marching In.

Jon tongue.gif
The Joy
QUOTE(timbo @ Wed 10th August 2011, 8:31pm) *

Well, I guess we know that Jon is a teacher.

What we don't know is why he hates Wikipedia so much.

Jon Awbrey

NBC News â—¦ Education Nation

GUEST BLOG â—¦ The Case for School Vouchers â—¦ Patrick M. Byrne â—¦ 23 Aug 23, 2011

And now … I can't believe it's not a message from our sponsor …


At Education Nation’s The Learning Curve, the focus is on success. By showcasing smart solutions and celebrating leaders, our hope is to inspire new change-makers in education. Please join the conversation by sharing your thoughts as well.

Education Nation’s The Learning Curve has been made possible through the generous support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

All statements and opinions expressed on this blog are those of the individual contributors, and not of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or NBC News.

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 23rd August 2011, 11:26pm) *

NBC News â—¦ Education Nation

GUEST BLOG â—¦ The Case for School Vouchers â—¦ Patrick M. Byrne â—¦ 23 Aug 23, 2011

And now … I can't believe it's not a message from our sponsor …

Comment 1

Yeah, the “Everything Must Be A Lucrative Market” (EMBALM) mentality has been working out so great for society, let's spread it to some areas where it can really screw up something important.

Jon Image
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 23rd August 2011, 8:32pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 23rd August 2011, 11:26pm) *

NBC News â—¦ Education Nation

GUEST BLOG â—¦ The Case for School Vouchers â—¦ Patrick M. Byrne â—¦ 23 Aug 23, 2011

And now … I can't believe it's not a message from our sponsor …

Comment 1

Yeah, the “Everything Must Be A Lucrative Market” (EMBALM) mentality has been working out so great for society, let's spread it to some areas where it can really screw up something important.

Jon Image

School vouchers are merely the GI bill applied to K12.

I dunno what your problem is. The government doesn't run its own hospitals, except for the VA. They give you a voucher on medicare so you can pick your own. Nor does the government doesn't run its own grocery stores: they give poor people EBT cards that work in any grocery store they choose. They are essentially food vouchers like the old food stamps.

The government doesn't provide housing for retirees. They send money and let retirees pick their own housing. That's a housing voucher.

Letting government actually run a program, vs. simply giving people targetted voucher money and letting them choose a provider, is a recipe for disaster. You should check out VA hospitals sometime. yak.gif

And government housing projects. yak.gif yecch.gif yak.gif yecch.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 23rd August 2011, 11:26pm) *

NBC News â—¦ Education Nation

GUEST BLOG â—¦ The Case for School Vouchers â—¦ Patrick M. Byrne â—¦ 23 Aug 23, 2011

And now … I can't believe it's not a message from our sponsor …

Comment 2

Just by way of whistling “ipse dixit”, the most relentless and well-bankrolled promoters of charters and vouchers have themselves identified them as tools in their push to starve public schools out of existence. Here is just a sample of the sources that might be cited.

Richard DeVos Advocates “Stealth” Strategy Against Public Education

Blackwater In-Law DeVos Outlines “Stealth” Plot Against Public Education

Strategy for Privatizing Public Schools Spelled out by Dick DeVos in 2002 Heritage Foundation Speech

Jonah Edelman Spills the Oligarchs' Blueprint for Crushing the Teaching Profession

Jon Image
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 23rd August 2011, 11:26pm) *

NBC News â—¦ Education Nation

GUEST BLOG â—¦ The Case for School Vouchers â—¦ Patrick M. Byrne â—¦ 23 Aug 23, 2011

And now … I can't believe it's not a message from our sponsor …

Comment 3

Readers who wish to find out what the teachers on the ground think about these issues will find many good resources on Facebook. One of the more active of these was the page titled “Wear Red For Public Ed”, which mysteriously disappeared one day due to the unaccountable machinations of Faceborg Facebots and had to be restarted under the bit more clipped title, “Wear Red For Ed”.

Jon Image
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 23rd August 2011, 11:26pm) *

NBC News â—¦ Education Nation

GUEST BLOG â—¦ The Case for School Vouchers â—¦ Patrick M. Byrne â—¦ 23 Aug 23, 2011

And now … I can't believe it's not a message from our sponsor …

Patrick M. Byrne is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, the legacy foundation of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and his wife Rose. He is also Chairman and CEO of

(He is also friends with Judd "Wordbomb" Bagley.)
Jon Awbrey
Yes, I believe he even posted here a few times back in the day …

Jon tongue.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 24th August 2011, 10:50am) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 23rd August 2011, 11:26pm) *

NBC News â—¦ Education Nation

GUEST BLOG â—¦ The Case for School Vouchers â—¦ Patrick M. Byrne â—¦ 23 Aug 23, 2011

And now … I can't believe it's not a message from our sponsor …

Patrick M. Byrne is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, the legacy foundation of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and his wife Rose. He is also Chairman and CEO of

(He is also friends with Judd "Wordbomb" Bagley.)

Again, since the government handles most of its programs via some type of voucher or other, from college ed for veterans, to medicare, to EBT/food stamps, to paying for housing on social security, why is it that the gov must be directly involved in propagandizing young minds?

Somebody's terribly afraid that if families can take their voucher credit, pick up, and go to a better school next door, that teachers will actually be accountable for performance, and accountable to the students and their parents. Bad teachers and schools will find themselves with empty classrooms, just like any other service. Scary thought.

Yeah, let's continue to just have the government pay teachers directly, bypassing parents except as they can whine on the local school board, and let the individual students and parents have no choice, unless they want to pay extra. Or vote with their feet to get the hell out of a bad district. GREAT IDEA. yecch.gif

Jon Awbrey
There's a couple of Articles + Commentaries at PolicyMic that bear on the current topic —

Edward Williams • Three Ways The Federal Government Must Guide Education

Daniel Keener • Corporations Have Stranglehold On U.S. Politics

Jon Image

Jon Awbrey
Debate at PolicyMic • “Should Education Be Controlled Federally Or Locally?”

Chris Nowak • National Standards Are a Step In The Right Direction

Jordan Wolf • Keep It Local

Jon Image
I'll add this:

At one time the last thing you wanted was your parents to be informed of your dirty deeds. Now, your parents act like your lawyer and question everything. The article mentions that the average teacher career is 4.5 years. I already knew that half of teachers hired don't make it past their 3rd year.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Rhindle @ Fri 9th September 2011, 10:29am) *

I'll add this:

What teachers really want to tell parents

At one time the last thing you wanted was your parents to be informed of your dirty deeds. Now, your parents act like your lawyer and question everything. The article mentions that the average teacher career is 4.5 years. I already knew that half of teachers hired don't make it past their 3rd year.

I don't know the stats, but I'm guessing that some of this is due to the involvement of Teach For America, a training program for developing an absentee managerial class to help demolish public schools.

Jon hrmph.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(The Joy @ Fri 9th September 2011, 3:50pm) *

If by “model” you mean what she looks like on the runway and not the kind of diet it takes to put her there.

Jon tongue.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 31st May 2011, 7:44pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 31st May 2011, 4:50pm) *

What's really going on is merely a precursor to privatization.

Back in the 90s, shortly after Michael Milken was released from Club Fed and given a job teaching business to students at UCLA, he remarked that the public schools had a large, unexploited capital base.


Do you have a source for this statement?


This does not necessarily fully support Hersh's statement, but it is related to it:

The Nation: The Education of Mike Milken

This is from 1999. Shortly afterward, Milken got prostate cancer, and his focus turned to healthcare.

For the record, I have not read the balance of this thread, and I'm not taking a position on any particular issue.

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(gomi @ Thu 10th November 2011, 4:48pm) *

This does not necessarily fully support Hersh's statement, but it is related to it:

The Nation : The Education of Mike Milken

This is from 1999. Shortly afterward, Milken got prostate cancer, and his focus turned to healthcare.

For the record, I have not read the balance of this thread, and I'm not taking a position on any particular issue.

Thanks ❢

Jon tongue.gif
Jon Awbrey
Further Discussion @ PolicyMic —

Ways That The Insanely Rich And Powerful Make Us Poorer
The Joy
George Carlin's "The American Dream"

QUOTE(The Joy @ Tue 15th November 2011, 11:55pm) *

George Carlin's "The American Dream"

That's true for most of the industrialized world. Gone is the day when men hung their own shingle in the pursuit of happiness. Now we all work for the man, in one way or the other.
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Fri 16th December 2011, 3:18am) *

that guy is slippery as an eel
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(TungstenCarbide @ Thu 15th December 2011, 11:10pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Fri 16th December 2011, 3:18am) *

that guy is slippery as an eel

Curiously enough, this came up again in the following context —

PolicyMic • Raising Taxes Won't Solve America's Debt Problem

Oh, And Happy Beethoven's Birthday, Everybody ❢❢❢

Jon tongue.gif
The Joy
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Fri 16th December 2011, 12:05am) *

QUOTE(TungstenCarbide @ Thu 15th December 2011, 11:10pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Fri 16th December 2011, 3:18am) *

that guy is slippery as an eel

Curiously enough, this came up again in the following context —

PolicyMic • Raising Taxes Won't Solve America's Debt Problem

Oh, And Happy Beethoven's Birthday, Everybody ❢❢❢

Jon tongue.gif

Jon Awbrey

Modern School • The Convict Who Stole Public Education — Milken’s Online Learning Cash Cow

We hear plenty about the billionaire boys club that has taken control over much of the education reform debate, the unholy triumvirate of Bill Gates, Eli Broad, and the Walton Family Foundation. However, they are just the tip of the iceberg. The rogue’s gallery of Ed Deformers who are buying up charter schools, capitalizing on NCLB, bashing teachers, and generally destroying public education as we know it, includes numerous hedge fund managers, bankers, billionaires, millionaires, and even a few convicted felons, like junk bond peddler Michael Milken.

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Rhindle @ Tue 13th March 2012, 8:02pm) *

See also Facebook • Wear Red For Public Ed
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 14th March 2012, 6:56am) *

QUOTE(Rhindle @ Tue 13th March 2012, 8:02pm) *

{{see above video}}

See also Facebook • Wear Red For Public Ed

Good video, but I don't think anyone is blaming Wikipedia for for-profit online education and charter schools eating into public education budgets. It's mostly the diminished tax base, due to people's lack of understanding that the peak of the Laffer curve is about 84%, and corporate tax abuses which have made public funding of anything a farce.


Here is a more detailed explanation from the International Monetary Fund regarding Art Okun's 36 year old mistake which caused this problem by forming the basis of supply side trickle-down economics (Chart 4 is particularly informative.) Here's why it took so long to correct the error, from MIT.
Mr.Treason II
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 8th March 2011, 6:35am) *

Obama has been hanging out with Bill and Melinda Gates cthulhu.gif , and other persons who really care about education. Their consensus seems to be that all those people who said that a high student-to-teacher ratio was harmful were wrong, and that we can really think about getting rid of a lot of those teachers and replacing them with on-line instruction. With increasing emphasis on drill-and-grill and other regressive educational techniques, does this not put Wikipedia in more significant role as an educational [ahem] resource?

Yep... but Wikipedia may be taken as a unregulated site &/or unreliable.
QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Wed 11th July 2012, 7:06am) *

Wikipedia may be taken as a unregulated site &/or unreliable.

I think we here all know as much. What of others? Do they really realise?
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