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Silver seren
Ah, I see.

That explains a good amount.

You should let him know that he needs to tighten up his writing style. The psychology section started out good, but then it turned all apologetic toward and that just made it embarrassing. For, I mean.
QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Mon 1st August 2011, 9:10am) *
I didn't include the rumors about an "army of pissed people" and "false DMCAs" that the Daily Dot article speaks of.


Are there any specific "rumors" in the Wikipedia article that you're concerned about?

Well, two things. I'm not concerned about any of this; the word is probably more like "amused" or "fed up." (Admittedly, the last is two words). Also, I'm using the term "rumor" loosely - I actually don't doubt that any of this is true; I'm just pointing out what should belong in an "encyclopedia" and what shouldn't, once we're past the issue of whether this article would belong in one at all (IMO, it wouldn't).

So, having said that, the parts in boldface below are what I would delete, if it were my article.
According to Gawker, "Entire blogs have been devoted to exposing ED's staff as cyberbullies."[41] Garrett E. Moore described one blog in particular,, as a "stalker blog." accuses Daniel Brandt of being the operator of Brandt denies being the blog's operator and claims that he only a "researcher and advisor" for the blog's operator, whose identity is unknown to Brandt. According to Moore, Brandt pressured DeGrippo into closing the original ED. formerly hosted the personal information of the original Encyclopedia Dramatica's staff. Moore also accused Brandt of harassing his fiancée at her workplace. Brandt claims that it was in retaliation of the spam he received after Moore published Brandt's contact information on an IRC channel. According to an sysop, a complaint resulted in the deletion of's article on Daniel Brandt. The anonymous operator of described his blog and the alleged team behind it as being dedicated to "the misdeeds of the people associated with the old and new Encyclopedia Dramatica. I have exchanged emails with Brandt. I've also exchanged emails with other people who feel they have been abused by ED and I've given them advice on how to deal with it."

...obviously the resulting material would have to be rearranged for readability, but you get the general idea.
Daniel Brandt
UK police, with FBI help, just arrested two more LulzSec hackers. They hacked under the username "Kayla," who was considered one of the highest-level LulzSec hackers. Garrett E. Moore and his fiancée Karen Rose Shinaver, have been supporters and associates of Kayla for a long time.

Garrett and Karen share an apartment in or near Lansing, Michigan, and she is a senior network administrator at Liquid Web Inc in Lansing. She works a four-day week from 10 pm to 8 am. Her account there was used to sign up one of my email addresses for spam on May 24 at 12:24 am EDT. I recently had to stop using that address because of all the Viagra spam, as well as lots of spam in Chinese characters, that's still coming in.

Garrett and Karen (aka "Kaeroseen"), who both help keep going, are depressed over this latest arrest. Last night Garrett tweeted to Kayla (aka "lolspoon" on Twitter): "@lolspoon We miss you already, I hope this is bullshit. Kaero and I are here for you. <3"

There was no answer, of course. An hour later Garrett (aka "KnownCyberbully" on Twitter) tweeted this: "The Internet is dead, go home folks."

By the way, I'd stay away from Liquid Web Inc hosting. I informed management there about the Karen, Garrett, and Ryan connection last May, a month before Ryan was arrested, and provided proof that Karen's account was involved. Management's only response was from "Clinton H" (he wouldn't give his surname), the "Support Manager" at Liquid Web. All he said was, "Signing anyone up for a mailing list without their consent is against company policy and we are dealing with this issue internally." ( What about LulzSec, Mr. "Clinton H" at Liquid Web? Don't you care about that? )

Ms. Shinaver still works at Liquid Web. In my opinion, their due-diligence and security isn't very good — I certainly wouldn't want Ms. Shinaver to have access to my dedicated servers!
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 2nd September 2011, 7:56am) *

UK police, with FBI help, just arrested two more LulzSec hackers. They hacked under the username "Kayla," who was considered one of the highest-level LulzSec hackers. Garrett E. Moore and his fiancée Karen Rose Shinaver, have been supporters and associates of Kayla for a long time.

Garrett and Karen share an apartment in or near Lansing, Michigan, and she is a senior network administrator at Liquid Web Inc in Lansing. She works a four-day week from 10 pm to 8 am. Her account there was used to sign up one of my email addresses for spam on May 24 at 12:24 am EDT. I recently had to stop using that address because of all the Viagra spam, as well as lots of spam in Chinese characters, that's still coming in.

Garrett and Karen (aka "Kaeroseen"), who both help keep going, are depressed over this latest arrest. Last night Garrett tweeted to Kayla (aka "lolspoon" on Twitter): "@lolspoon We miss you already, I hope this is bullshit. Kaero and I are here for you. <3"

There was no answer, of course. An hour later Garrett (aka "KnownCyberbully" on Twitter) tweeted this: "The Internet is dead, go home folks."

By the way, I'd stay away from Liquid Web Inc hosting. I informed management there about the Karen, Garrett, and Ryan connection last May, a month before Ryan was arrested, and provided proof that Karen's account was involved. Management's only response was from "Clinton H" (he wouldn't give his surname), the "Support Manager" at Liquid Web. All he said was, "Signing anyone up for a mailing list without their consent is against company policy and we are dealing with this issue internally." ( What about LulzSec, Mr. "Clinton H" at Liquid Web? Don't you care about that? )

Ms. Shinaver still works at Liquid Web. In my opinion, their due-diligence and security isn't very good — I certainly wouldn't want Ms. Shinaver to have access to my dedicated servers!

"I hope this is bullshit" - It definitely is, though not definitely in the sense that he meant it. They should go free immediately. Hacking can't be much worse than the crimes committed by our leaders. Arresting them is just a sadistic punishment tactic.
QUOTE(Wikicrusher2 @ Sat 3rd September 2011, 9:37am) *

"I hope this is bullshit" - It definitely is, though not definitely in the sense that he meant it. They should go free immediately. Hacking can't be much worse than the crimes committed by our leaders. Arresting them is just a sadistic punishment tactic.

Fight the
QUOTE(Wikicrusher2 @ Sat 3rd September 2011, 10:37am) *

They should go free immediately. Hacking can't be much worse than the crimes committed by our leaders. Arresting them is just a sadistic punishment tactic.

Arresting people is a sadistic punishment tactic!? Arresting people is a prelude to a punishment, one which will be more fair and more just than anything ED/Anonymous/4chan/kids can come up with. Hacking is a crime, and while certain things our leaders have done are also possibly crimes, that's an argument for arresting our leaders *and* the hackers, and charging them both. The hackers don't get off scot free under any circumstances. They should have the common decency to do what they're doing openly, rather than hiding behind proxies, screen names, and weird cross-gender internet personae.
QUOTE(Forward! @ Sat 3rd September 2011, 11:09am) *

QUOTE(Wikicrusher2 @ Sat 3rd September 2011, 10:37am) *


Reply to stoopit

No Comment needed.

QUOTE(Vigilant @ Sat 3rd September 2011, 10:34am) *

Fight the

Damn straight, brother! wink.gif

I miss the grups. Where'd y'all go? blink.gif
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Fri 2nd September 2011, 3:56pm) *

I recently had to stop using that address because of all the Viagra spam, as well as lots of spam in Chinese characters, that's still coming in.

Switch to Gmail; it has an excellent spam filter. (Cue rant on the evils of Google and Gmail.)

Brandt, how do you feel about the latest Daily Dot article? The article says,

Brandt was unavailable for comment at time of publication.

The Daily Dot’s first and most important responsibility is accuracy. We make reasonable efforts to verify information by publication time and we disclose to readers transparently what we do and do not know to be a fact. Should we receive information that questions something we have published, we will not rest until we have established the veracity of that information and corrected the record.

Corrections will be made to the original story clearly and with explanation. In regard to material details being corrected well after publication, we will publicize the changes in a manner similar to the original publication of the story.

If you have anything to say or correct, you're welcome to let them know.

Before I revise the Wikipedia article, I wish to know whether there are any inaccurate statements about you in the article. Do you have anything to say about your alleged involvement?

Also, how do you feel about Kevin Provance's comment at the bottom?
Daniel Brandt
QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Thu 8th September 2011, 7:08am) *

Before I revise the Wikipedia article, I wish to know whether there are any inaccurate statements about you in the article. Do you have anything to say about your alleged involvement?

I'm not playing your game anymore. The Daily Dot has fully emerged from its start-up phase over the last two months, and now it looks like tabloid journalism to me, with a large dose of Internet-meme worship added for spice. If I had known it would turn out this way, I would not have responded to that reporter for her first article.

And I already told you that I don't want my name in Wikipedia.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Thu 8th September 2011, 11:19am) *
And I already told you that I don't want my name in Wikipedia.

If I hadn't written about you in that article, someone else would, and that someone may not be interested in writing about you neutrally, separating fact from suspicion, or listening to your side of the story. The Encyclopedia Dramatica article isn't even the only article you're mentioned in:
QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Thu 8th September 2011, 5:50pm) *

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Thu 8th September 2011, 11:19am) *
And I already told you that I don't want my name in Wikipedia.

If I hadn't written about you in that article, someone else would, and that someone may not be interested in writing about you neutrally, separating fact from suspicion, or listening to your side of the story. The Encyclopedia Dramatica article isn't even the only article you're mentioned in:

Michael, judging by the 14 AfDs, two DRVs, and BLP issues, I'm not sure that's going to be the, err... drama-free option.
QUOTE(Forward! @ Thu 8th September 2011, 4:18pm) *

Michael, judging by the 14 AfDs, two DRVs, and BLP issues, I'm not sure that's going to be the, err... drama-free option.

I, and several other people, have already told him this. He's acting just like any number of other
pushy young men who want Wikipedia to be "awesome and bangin'" or what-have-you.

In fact, for all I know, Michael is doing this for brownie points with the more abusive members
of the admin corps. Surely you know by now that they despise Brandt, yes Mike?
Daniel Brandt
Wikipedia should not consider The Daily Dot to be a reliable source. Only one staff writer is interested in, and nearly all of the other stories she has done so far are lightweight and meme-infested. When she emailed me for her second article, I smelled a set-up and did not respond.

It was a mistake for me to answer her questions for that first article. She repeated a quote about me from Jimbo that is nearly six years old. Using that old defamatory quote was probably a back-handed attempt to get Wikipedia's approval. All it proves is that Jimbo misrepresented his association with me, because to this day I have never, ever had a conversation with him. And the comments under her second article include a "well done" from Garrett, a "good read" from Edgeworth E. Euler, and a "very informative" from Zaiger — the three top sysops on

This reporter has participated on's IRC channel. Her comments there are different from the sort of comments I'd expect from a professional reporter.

So now there's a tin-foil hat on that picture of someone who is not me, that accompanies the article about me. I appeal to any and all Wikipedia editors to delete my name from Wikipedia's article on Encyclopedia Dramatica. In fact, I think that entire article should be put up for deletion. The old ED is history, and the new ED is even more irresponsible than the old ED. Both are best forgotten.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sat 10th September 2011, 5:08pm) *
This reporter has participated on's IRC channel. Her comments there are different from the sort of comments I'd expect from a professional reporter.

That would be the Understatement Of The Week.....
[Aug 8 2011 20:37:13] *** Joins: Zardoz (
[Aug 8 2011 21:26:09] <Zardoz> any one see coppercab's grandma? She made a video saying she was calling the internet police
[Aug 9 2011 12:10:33] *** Quits: Zardoz (client exited: )
[Aug 19 2011 01:34:48] *** Joins: Zardoz (
[Aug 19 2011 01:34:55] * Zardoz slaps garrett around a bit with a large trout
[Aug 19 2011 01:35:41] <Zardoz> PM me, I don't remember how to work this IRC shit
[Aug 19 2011 01:35:49] <Zardoz> also, I watched a video that made me laugh for wrong reasons
[Aug 19 2011 01:36:12] <Zardoz> did you see the article I wrote where I theorize that cyberbullying, and 4chan, saved Jessi Slaughter's life?
[Aug 19 2011 01:36:51] <Zardoz> this video isn't really safe for life:
[Aug 19 2011 01:36:52] <Zardoz>
[Aug 19 2011 02:00:43] <Zardoz> yeah, this girl needs help:
[Aug 19 2011 02:00:43] <Zardoz>
[Aug 19 2011 02:07:10] <Zardoz> LOL! finally signed in to watch that tickle tickle my vagina video
[Aug 19 2011 02:07:21] <Zardoz> @THUNDERPUSSY
[Aug 19 2011 02:08:25] <Zardoz> mmmm, hot
[Aug 20 2011 08:16:37] *** Quits: Zardoz (Ping timeout)
[Aug 29 2011 19:57:31] *** Joins: Zardoz (
[Aug 29 2011 19:57:37] <Zardoz> garrettt
[Aug 29 2011 19:57:45] <Zardoz> DM me pretty please
[Aug 29 2011 19:57:52] <Zardoz> or jihad
[Aug 29 2011 20:34:58] *** Quits: Zardoz (client exited: )
[Sep 6 2011 14:40:38] *** Joins: Zardoz (
[Sep 6 2011 14:41:20] <Zardoz> site is up!
[Sep 6 2011 14:47:52] <Zardoz> biggrin.gif
[Sep 6 2011 14:53:02] <Zardoz> well, I'd like to write another story on ED, and Brandt... considering the site is down now
[Sep 6 2011 14:53:12] <Meepsheep> hey Zardoz
[Sep 6 2011 14:53:17] <Zardoz> hiya meepsheep
[Sep 6 2011 15:09:02] <garrett> Zardoz: hey you
[Sep 6 2011 15:14:06] * Zardoz slaps garrett around a bit with a large trout
[Sep 6 2011 15:22:42] <Zardoz> i want to play some tf2!
[Sep 7 2011 04:19:59] *** Quits: Zardoz (Ping timeout)
[Sep 8 2011 21:13:40] *** Joins: Zardoz (
[Sep 8 2011 21:13:44] * Zardoz slaps garrett around a bit with a large trout
[Sep 8 2011 21:14:42] <Zardoz> garrett wants to fuck sherrod?
[Sep 8 2011 21:14:46] <Zardoz> that must be a lie
[Sep 8 2011 21:15:19] <Zardoz> oh, no, that was e-pain, my bad
[Sep 8 2011 21:15:49] <Zardoz> you like the quote I used of you, meepsheep?
[Sep 8 2011 21:15:58] <Meepsheep> zardoz, yop
[Sep 8 2011 21:17:29] <Zardoz> i am actually doing a story on a guy who cut off his penis
[Sep 8 2011 21:17:59] <DGTrixie> what's your angle zardoz?
[Sep 8 2011 21:18:31] <Zardoz> my angle? eh, part of youtube video diaries... this guy documented the whole process, even from the hospital bed
[Sep 8 2011 21:18:42] <Zardoz> was really happy to pee with his vagina for the first time
[Sep 8 2011 21:19:19] <Zardoz> multiple videos on youtube, actually
[Sep 8 2011 21:19:38] <Zardoz> oh, no, nothing graphic like that... you have link to some graphic stuff?
[Sep 8 2011 21:20:23] <Zardoz> how'd you get it back on?
[Sep 8 2011 21:20:34] <Zardoz> fascinating
[Sep 8 2011 21:21:29] <Zardoz> noooo, just started watching this,
[Sep 8 2011 21:22:16] <Zardoz> i can't watch this, sorry, 30 seconds in and i almost vomitted, and i don't even have a dick
[Sep 8 2011 21:22:29] <Zardoz> garrett, DM me
[Sep 8 2011 21:31:27] <Zardoz> zaiger, DM me
[Sep 8 2011 21:31:32] <Zardoz> and jihad
[Sep 8 2011 21:31:37] <Zardoz> purdy please
QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Thu 8th September 2011, 4:50pm) *

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Thu 8th September 2011, 11:19am) *
And I already told you that I don't want my name in Wikipedia.

If I hadn't written about you in that article, someone else would, and that someone may not be interested in writing about you neutrally, separating fact from suspicion, or listening to your side of the story. The Encyclopedia Dramatica article isn't even the only article you're mentioned in:

That's OK Michael, I looked up something for you too...
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sun 11th September 2011, 1:08am) *

In fact, I think that entire article should be put up for deletion. The old ED is history, and the new ED is even more irresponsible than the old ED. Both are best forgotten.

I can't see that these are remotely good reasons for deletion. After all, lots of stuff is history, from the Roman Empire to Ronald Reagan, and we've often complained on this site about WP recentism. If the new ED is irresponsible, that's scarcely a reason for deletion either, otherwise they'd have to delete the article about Wikipedia itself! The only issue relevant to WP is whether the site (old or new) is notable. I can't see many people agreeing that the old one isn't notable enough, and the longer the new one is around, the more notable it will get.
QUOTE(Detective @ Sun 11th September 2011, 12:02pm) *

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sun 11th September 2011, 1:08am) *

In fact, I think that entire article should be put up for deletion. The old ED is history, and the new ED is even more irresponsible than the old ED. Both are best forgotten.

I can't see that these are remotely good reasons for deletion. After all, lots of stuff is history, from the Roman Empire to Ronald Reagan, and we've often complained on this site about WP recentism. If the new ED is irresponsible, that's scarcely a reason for deletion either, otherwise they'd have to delete the article about Wikipedia itself! The only issue relevant to WP is whether the site (old or new) is notable. I can't see many people agreeing that the old one isn't notable enough, and the longer the new one is around, the more notable it will get.

True, but MDS is being a bit of a twat here. Hes obviously mentioning Brandt just to create drama and annoy Mr Brandt - to stir up a bit of drama. MDS: you are being, in my opinion, a bit of a twat.

Also: Since when was Brandt a 'quotable critic' anyway? He's not what id call an expert in ED - more an interested party.
QUOTE(Forward! @ Sun 11th September 2011, 2:12pm) *
True, but MDS is being a bit of a twat here. Hes obviously mentioning Brandt just to create drama and annoy Mr Brandt - to stir up a bit of drama. MDS: you are being, in my opinion, a bit of a twat.

Also: Since when was Brandt a 'quotable critic' anyway? He's not what id call an expert in ED - more an interested party.

Would it be more accurate to call him an activist instead of a critic? Even so, that doesn't stop him from being knowledgeable.

I don't wish to be on Brandt's bad side. I don't wish to disrespect him. Brandt is not the sort of person I'd want to play games with. Unfortunately, Brandt and his friend at has made themselves integral parts of ED history, even if one believes that history should end at the original ED's demise. The article would be incomplete without mentioning him. Removing all mention of him would be censorship.

What you could do is to try to convince me (or Wikipedians) that the Daily Dot is unreliable. Some playful behavior in an IRC channel isn't convincing enough.
QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Mon 12th September 2011, 3:27pm) *

QUOTE(Forward! @ Sun 11th September 2011, 2:12pm) *
True, but MDS is being a bit of a twat here. Hes obviously mentioning Brandt just to create drama and annoy Mr Brandt - to stir up a bit of drama. MDS: you are being, in my opinion, a bit of a twat.

Also: Since when was Brandt a 'quotable critic' anyway? He's not what id call an expert in ED - more an interested party.


Because that's what it sounds like to me, MDS.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Thu 23rd June 2011, 8:37pm) *

The Cleary household is either rather clever at gaming the system, or is entirely screwed up, in my opinion. Before Ryan was a household word, his brother Mitchell and mother Rita were in court after police seized 39 cannabis plants and three large jars of cannabis. This happened last March. The attorney for Mitchell and Rita said that both of them "claimed incapacity benefit of £94 per fortnight and that they both suffered from agoraphobia, a fear of public or unfamiliar places." Mitchell smoked canabis to "ease the symptoms of epilepsy."

It worked then with Mitchell, but Mrs. Cleary might have trouble this time. Even if Ryan makes bail, I presume that he won't be allowed to go online as a condition of that bail. And if the UK authorities seem too lenient, there's always the possibility that the FBI will get pissed off and file for extradition of Ryan to the U.S. There appears to be evidence of Ryan's DDoSing and/or hacking that falls within U.S. jurisdiction.

You could also argue that even if Ryan needs psychiatric help, he sure as hell wasn't getting enough of it in his bedroom from his cat. He might be better off anyplace other than his bedroom, even prison. That's particularly true if the court makes sure that he has no Internet connection in his bedroom as a condition of bail or probation or whatever.

I think Mrs. Cleary had her chance already, and by now she is part of the problem.
I think you're really onto something. There should be some kind of outreach to getting people from social services to take a look at the profiles of people that are obviously on their computers to an unhealthy amount of time (e.g. most wikipedia admins) - I remember people did graphs of what times people were online and found a lot of them were doing basically nothing else apart from Wikipedia... I'm smart, young and have a lot more fun things around than Wikipedia but it's so easy for so many people to get sucked in...

I know that sounds so vain and arrogant but I'm being realistic, and the thing is I know I'm not the only one, a lot of the people who get involved in Wikipedia are actually good people, just too trusting and gullible that everything will just work out in the end if they follow this set of semi-religious rules handed down "over the generations" of users - it really does have that kind of religious fervour to it for some definitely, or just pure optimism hoping things can change when the whole system has been built to avoid change to keep the people who profit from "knowing the right people" in power.

The ogliarchical way it works is a lot like the also at least theoretically socialist British politics really and Americans should take a look at that to see how the Wikipedia model works out, really, there's no hard and fast rule saying you have to be a man, have to be from this family, have to go to these private clubs etc but it always works out like that in the end anyway because of the sheer social inertia, the networks built up.

I don't think Wikipedia would cooperate with them but if you think about it the police would be called in if they found someone living like that elsewhere, why is it when they are on the internet and mostly silent they are being basically forgotten about until they get to the worst point like that guy, you have to feel sorry for him really, I mean sniffing lighters... It's the kind of thing I can imagine wikipedia admins doing in between their sugary drinks really... I think Wikipedia, at least ALL the people involved in the deep part of it, is kind of like a thing for people who're fed up of life and that insecurity fuels a lot of the aggressiveness too, it's the whole "keyboard warrior" mentality, the Wikipedia admins are the same kind of people mentally as the vandals and trolls themselves... That and of course the whole"You just have to look around our world today to see that power inspires nothing more than the desire to retain it and to eliminate anything that threatens it."
QUOTE(Selina @ Mon 12th September 2011, 4:18pm) *

I think Wikipedia, at least ALL the people involved in the deep part of it, is kind of like a thing for people who're fed up of life and that insecurity fuels a lot of the aggressiveness too, it's the whole "keyboard warrior" mentality, the Wikipedia admins are the same kind of people mentally as the vandals and trolls themselves...

Quite true. All you have to do it look at the edit histories of Rich Farmbrough. 906,000 edits,
mostly using bots he wrote himself. Erratic schedule, sometimes stays up all night grinding.
He does NOT add content, he just reformats and pisses around with articles, and posts smug
little notes on talkpages. No wonder he demanded they take his name off the top users list (he's #1).

Or #2, Justin Knapp. Again, a demented and semi-random edit pattern. Responsible for lots of obsessive music and religion articles.

Or #3 on the list, Bearcat. If it's Canadian, Bearcat will beat it into submission. Using AWB and HotCat, of course.
Not unusual for him to be on WP 16 hours a day. 1000-2000 edits a day.

Or 11614soup and his manic obsession with Kierkegaard. At least he gets regular sleep.

Or Blofeld. He obviously needs therapy and strong drugs, not Wikipedia.

If one of these fine gentlemen went completely berserk one day, got a firearm, and walked down the street shooting random people, I wonder if the authorities would ever realize that his OCD compulsions reached full flower on Jimbo's Folly. For all we know, it's happened already, and is being hushed up.

How is that any different from Ryan Cleary, or his fellow maniacs in Anonymous?
Silver seren
Hey, all of you should check out's Main Page and look at the featured article. biggrin.gif

I still can't believe it took Meepsheep that long to figure out my real name. You guys did it way faster than him. And it's really not that difficult. Doing a Google search for my username will bring up my real name after a few pages.
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Wed 21st September 2011, 12:12pm) *

Hey, all of you should check out's Main Page and look at the featured article. biggrin.gif

I still can't believe it took Meepsheep that long to figure out my real name. You guys did it way faster than him. And it's really not that difficult. Doing a Google search for my username will bring up my real name after a few pages.

The article loses all credibility in my mind when I see that they think "infact" is one word.
Silver seren
Okay, now i'm impressed.

Though I suppose all of that info can come from a Google search. And it's mostly accurate too, or at least was. The address is my old address and the phone number is my old prepaid phone. But, other than that, it's good.

I'm fairly interested in who the relatives are though. Since it should either be 2 relatives or way more than 4, depending on what your criteria is for who you include.
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Wed 21st September 2011, 4:12pm) *

Hey, all of you should check out's Main Page and look at the featured article. biggrin.gif

I still can't believe it took Meepsheep that long to figure out my real name. You guys did it way faster than him. And it's really not that difficult. Doing a Google search for my username will bring up my real name after a few pages.

I didn't waste any of my time looking up your name. Someone else posted that so I added it in and decided to feature the article - don't give yourself so much credit.
Silver seren
Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif
The Joy
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 12:19am) *

Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif

At least the people of Greeley Park like you.

Also, are the tiger and gray wolf different sexes... or...ummm....? ermm.gif
Silver seren
QUOTE(The Joy @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 5:01am) *

At least the people of Greeley Park like you.

Also, are the tiger and gray wolf different sexes... or...ummm....? ermm.gif

Heh, I really wasn't expecting to get an interview out of it.

Well, for starters, that's not a tiger. The wolf is my fursona, the other is not. And, no, they are the same sex, why?
The Joy
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 1:11am) *

QUOTE(The Joy @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 5:01am) *

At least the people of Greeley Park like you.

Also, are the tiger and gray wolf different sexes... or...ummm....? ermm.gif

Heh, I really wasn't expecting to get an interview out of it.

Well, for starters, that's not a tiger. The wolf is my fursona, the other is not. And, no, they are the same sex, why?

I guess I have trouble understanding fictional inter-species same-sex relationships? unsure.gif
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 4:19am) *

Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif

Lol, know that h64 wrote most of that, and I didn't add the "Jew" bit. It is still fairly amusing seeing that you have spent months refreshing that article to see if we have wrote anything else about you on the internet.
Silver seren
QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 12:46pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 4:19am) *

Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif

Lol, know that h64 wrote most of that, and I didn't add the "Jew" bit. It is still fairly amusing seeing that you have spent months refreshing that article to see if we have wrote anything else about you on the internet.

Dude, you are not that important to me. I check it every three days as a part of my going through every other webpage I bookmark (webcomics included).
QUOTE(The Joy @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 8:16am) *

I guess I have trouble understanding fictional inter-species same-sex relationships? unsure.gif

I'd say that the less you know, the less you try to understand, furry fandom, the better for your peace of mind.
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 10:00am) *

Dude, you are not that important to me. I check it every three days...

That has to be a nominee for Quote of the Month, I think.
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 2:00pm) *

QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 12:46pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 4:19am) *

Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif

Lol, know that h64 wrote most of that, and I didn't add the "Jew" bit. It is still fairly amusing seeing that you have spent months refreshing that article to see if we have wrote anything else about you on the internet.

Dude, you are not that important to me. I check it every three days as a part of my going through every other webpage I bookmark (webcomics included).

Oh ok, we're only web-comic important. Thank you for explaining.
Silver seren
QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 2:48pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 2:00pm) *

QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 12:46pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 4:19am) *

Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif

Lol, know that h64 wrote most of that, and I didn't add the "Jew" bit. It is still fairly amusing seeing that you have spent months refreshing that article to see if we have wrote anything else about you on the internet.

Dude, you are not that important to me. I check it every three days as a part of my going through every other webpage I bookmark (webcomics included).

Oh ok, we're only web-comic important. Thank you for explaining.

Bottom of the crappy webcomics too. tongue.gif No, I just check all the sites on my bookmarks every three days, because that's after almost all of my webcomics should have updated. I also check anything else on there, like this site (which is awesome). No, your site is just a part of the list and not very high of a priority therein.

I just find the apologetics about on the article amusing to read.
QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 2:48pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 2:00pm) *

QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 12:46pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 4:19am) *

Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif

Lol, know that h64 wrote most of that, and I didn't add the "Jew" bit. It is still fairly amusing seeing that you have spent months refreshing that article to see if we have wrote anything else about you on the internet.

Dude, you are not that important to me. I check it every three days as a part of my going through every other webpage I bookmark (webcomics included).

Oh ok, we're only web-comic important. Thank you for explaining.

On the one hand, we have Meepsheep preening an article about Silver seren on ED. On the other hand, we have SIlver seren checking that article every 3 days. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amusing that these two parties are now arguing about who is the most indifferent about the other? You two should get a room. I imagine Seren will be in a fursuit and Meepsheep will be dressed as Sailor Moon...
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 3:58pm) *

QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 2:48pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 2:00pm) *

QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 12:46pm) *

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 4:19am) *

Well, you certainly wasted a lot of your time looking up a lot of other minute details and trolling through my DeviantArt account. And, I mean, it's not that hard to find my real name. It literally comes up in the second page of a Google Search on my username. The guys here at WR found out about it ages ago.

I must say, the art school quips are amusing. I did learn a fair amount from that six weeks of elective art class. rolleyes.gif

Now, what I want to know is...what the heck is an agnostic Jew? An agnostic Christian is a concept I could get behind, but a Jew? I don't even understand how that theologically works. blink.gif

Lol, know that h64 wrote most of that, and I didn't add the "Jew" bit. It is still fairly amusing seeing that you have spent months refreshing that article to see if we have wrote anything else about you on the internet.

Dude, you are not that important to me. I check it every three days as a part of my going through every other webpage I bookmark (webcomics included).

Oh ok, we're only web-comic important. Thank you for explaining.

On the one hand, we have Meepsheep preening an article about Silver seren on ED. On the other hand, we have SIlver seren checking that article every 3 days. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amusing that these two parties are now arguing about who is the most indifferent about the other? You two should get a room. I imagine Seren will be in a fursuit and Meepsheep will be dressed as Sailor Moon...

I'm down with that
Silver seren
Nice one. evilgrin.gif
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 11:56am) *

I also check anything else on there, like this site (which is awesome).

I'm rather shocked to admit that that actually is very funny.
QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 10:10am) *

QUOTE(carbuncle @ Thu 22nd September 2011, 3:58pm) *

On the one hand, we have Meepsheep preening an article about Silver seren on ED. On the other hand, we have SIlver seren checking that article every 3 days. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amusing that these two parties are now arguing about who is the most indifferent about the other? You two should get a room. I imagine Seren will be in a fursuit and Meepsheep will be dressed as Sailor Moon...

I'm down with that

The prevalence of this stuff around Wikipedia and other wikis used to puzzle me. Now I realize that fetish is to sex what "contributing to a wiki" is to scholarship.
Mr.Treason II
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Thu 28th July 2011, 5:15pm) *

Encyclopedia Dramatica's seething satire is back

This is an article in a new online publication, and it was written by someone who went to journalism school. That means she used first and last names of people when this information was available. How quaint and refreshing!

I don't like that old December 2005 Jimbo quote about me that she repeated needlessly, back when Jimbo was talking out of his rear end and telling the press that Seignethaler brought it on himself, but I guess I have to take these things in stride.

ED is actually populated with Wikipedians.
Furries such as Equivanp (ED power user) have functioned as bridges between Wikipedia and ED. Furries love the idea of Wikipedia. GreenReaper created a Wikipedia for the furry fandom. Its called Wikifur.
Long gone are the days of when ED meant something.
Suprising how time flies with the Basement dwellers...
QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Wed 26th October 2011, 12:15pm) *

ED is actually populated with Wikipedians.
Furries such as Equivanp (ED power user) have functioned as bridges between Wikipedia and ED. Furries love the idea of Wikipedia. GreenReaper created a Wikipedia for the furry fandom. Its called Wikifur.
Long gone are the days of when ED meant something.
Suprising how time flies with the Basement dwellers...

Are you the author of the entry Tyciol is curious about? The entry complains about furries, just as you did in the post I'm quoting. If you are the author, can you please explain to me what you meant by saying, "[Tyciol] is winning"? Perhaps I could relay that answer to Tyciol in order to satisfy his curiosity.
Mr.Treason II
QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Thu 27th October 2011, 3:08am) *

QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Wed 26th October 2011, 12:15pm) *

ED is actually populated with Wikipedians.
Furries such as Equivanp (ED power user) have functioned as bridges between Wikipedia and ED. Furries love the idea of Wikipedia. GreenReaper created a Wikipedia for the furry fandom. Its called Wikifur.
Long gone are the days of when ED meant something.
Suprising how time flies with the Basement dwellers...

Are you the author of the entry Tyciol is curious about? The entry complains about furries, just as you did in the post I'm quoting. If you are the author, can you please explain to me what you meant by saying, "[Tyciol] is winning"? Perhaps I could relay that answer to Tyciol in order to satisfy his curiosity.

Yes. And Tyciol is winning by using pawns to subjugate ED so he is winning.
QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Thu 27th October 2011, 1:57pm) *

Yes. And Tyciol is winning by using pawns to subjugate ED so he is winning.

What pawns?
Mr.Treason II
QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Thu 27th October 2011, 8:06pm) *

QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Thu 27th October 2011, 1:57pm) *

Yes. And Tyciol is winning by using pawns to subjugate ED so he is winning.

What pawns?

QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Thu 27th October 2011, 9:25pm) *

QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Thu 27th October 2011, 8:06pm) *

QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Thu 27th October 2011, 1:57pm) *

Yes. And Tyciol is winning by using pawns to subjugate ED so he is winning.

What pawns?


lolwut? Equivamp hasn't been active on ED for months, nice try
Mr.Treason II
QUOTE(Meepsheep @ Fri 28th October 2011, 4:56am) *

QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Thu 27th October 2011, 9:25pm) *

QUOTE(Michaeldsuarez @ Thu 27th October 2011, 8:06pm) *

QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Thu 27th October 2011, 1:57pm) *

Yes. And Tyciol is winning by using pawns to subjugate ED so he is winning.

What pawns?


lolwut? Equivamp hasn't been active on ED for months, nice try

He uses other furries to do so.
QUOTE(Mr.Treason II @ Thu 27th October 2011, 1:57pm) *

He uses other furries to do so.

proof plz
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