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Full Version: Luke Evans - not as gay as previously believed
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Silver seren
I'm not even going to respond to that until you have a proper response (ie, no shouting or cursing).
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Sun 14th August 2011, 9:24pm) *

I'm not even going to respond to that until you have a proper response (ie, no shouting or cursing).

Don't get prissy with me you little bastard.

Silver seren
I'm only prissy every other Sunday. Not sure if today is every or other though.
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Sun 14th August 2011, 10:41pm) *

I'm only prissy every other Sunday. Not sure if today is every or other though.

I'll leave others to tell youi taht when you're not being prissy, you are mainly either acting like a whiny shit, or are just childishly annoying.

QUOTE(Silver seren @ Sun 14th August 2011, 12:56pm) *

Neutrality is subjective.

Yeah, that's how Wikipedia sees it. Truth is also subjective, which means that "what's true" is whatever a few Wikipedia editors and administrators agree is true. No wonder the place is falling apart. If I want to find out how many square miles in Wisconsin, no problem to use Wikipedia. But when it comes to anything that might have more than one viewpoint, forget it. I see that they removed Evans from the "gay" category and then froze the article. And they're pissed off that gay people have been coming there to weigh in. See, this is the kinda crap that happens when you decide that there's no distinction between fact and opinion. Politics and tribal identity substitute for facts, and you get a "reference guide" that's just a collection of whatever ax this or that small group chose to grind that day.

Wikipedia is plain unreliable, and its administrators are the sort of tinpot shitheads who handed you that hall pass in high school. No wonder so few people bother with it anymore.
A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Sun 14th August 2011, 5:41pm) *

I'm only prissy every other Sunday. Not sure if today is every or other though.

I knew Prissy...and you ain't no Prissy!

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