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Yahoo! News
The founder of Wikipedia, the user-edited online encyclopedia, is developing a wiki-based search engine to compete with established commercial search engines from Google and Yahoo

Yahoo! News
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is planning to launch a new community-based search engine early in 2007. The new project is called Wikiasari , a combination of 'wiki', meaning 'quick' in Hawaiian, and 'asari', meaning 'rummaging search' in Japanese.

Google News

Wikipedia's Wales takes a shot at Google
Computing, UK - 24 minutes ago
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is planning to launch a new community-based search engine early in 2007. The new project is called ...
Google News

Searching Wikipedia
Line 56 News - 51 minutes ago
by Tamina Vahidy, Line56. If you mis-spell what you're looking for in Google, Yahoo, or other search engines, their underlying technology will tell you what ...
Yahoo! News
If you mis-spell what you're looking for in Google, Yahoo, or other search engines, their underlying technology will tell you what you probably meant.

Yahoo! News
Jimmy Wales, a Pinellas County man who became a tech icon by co-founding the vast online encyclopedia called “Wikipedia,’’ has now launched another globally ambitious project.

Yahoo! News
Jimmy Wales, a Pinellas County man who became a tech icon by co-founding the vast online encyclopedia called "Wikipedia," has now launched another globally ambitious project.

Google News

Wikipedia's Wales takes a shot at Google
PC Authority, Australia - 49 minutes ago
By Bobby Pickering 8 January 2007 01:51PM. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is planning to launch a new community-based search engine early in 2007. ...
The creator of the Wikipedia encyclopedia is turning his attention to search engines.
Jimmy Wales, the man behind the collaborative online reference work, is planning to create a "people-powered" search site.
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