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> Wikimedia Discussion > Editors > Notable editors > Will Beback
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QUOTE(radek @ Mon 27th February 2012, 11:42am) *

You're probably right, but maybe I want to be the guy that turns out the lights, listens to the echoes of his own solitary laughter in Wikipedia's empty hallways and closes the door.

You won't accomplish that by posting on this bloody forum. Write a book instead.
QUOTE(Selina @ Sun 26th February 2012, 9:13pm) *
I don't want to get involved in any of the controversial stuff there because it's just irretrievably broken...

I love the controversial disputes, especially when there's a lot of corporate PR behind them which gets exposed or backfires. The total amount of mudslinging strikes me as comparable to about the same level of acrimony you encounter in a typical city council or state legislature race. All these people talking about falling into the abyss should try running for partisan office.

I am beginning to think the only way that it could be solved is to hide the idea of internet personalities entirely ... to ... force people to judge on the content contributed on the internet, to deny the manipulative people a platform to do so.

Absolutely. No-account editing would work great, with the actual IP addresses visible only to admins strictly for breaking up edit wars. Judge text by its content, not by its author's personality! Has it been tried somewhere yet?
QUOTE(radek @ Mon 27th February 2012, 3:57am) *

On the other hand, you got Poland and Ukraine. Going back to at least the 16th century it's a history of conflict. True, the conflict was multi sided with Ukrainians caught in between Poland and Russia so some times making alliances of convenience with one or another. But it is more or less historical antagonism. And when Poland was on top (before 19th century, in the interwar period) the government would oppress the Ukrainians. In turn when the Ukrainians had a chance they struck back at the Poles. So you'd figure that the way this would manifest itself on Wikipedia is through constant clashes between Polish and Ukrainian editors.

It will be generational. 20 years ago I worked in a place where a lot of the employees were displaced people from WW2. Polish, Latvians, Lithuanians, Ukrainian. A large Italian ex POW population that never returned, and a German (Herman) with this incredible Edinburgh accent, cos that is where he was held when he got shot down and where he learnt English. The Eastern Europeans you probably didn't want to question too hard about how they managed to get to England after the war, and what they were doing before hand. Most were anti-semetic and one could push those buttons on them very easily.

This one day I'd gone across to the section that Herman was running on some Union business, and he was in the office with Piotr who he'd worked with for some 30 years. Piotr was reading a book and I asked what's it was? Herman says Oh you won't understand that its Polish. There was an explosion "POLE? POLE? POLE? I'm not the FUCKING POLE! UKRAINIAN! NOT THE FUCKING BASTARD POLE! UKRAINIAN! UKRAINIAN!"

It was one of the most violent outburst I've ever witnessed. Herman spent the next month apologizing.

Isn't this strange how wikipedia's wheel of fortune turns sometimes.
Here's what Will said about Lar 2 years ago
Specifically, I am concerned about his non-neutral interactions with users and with his extensive involvement with the banned users who hang out at Wikipediareview.

And now Lar is gone, and Will is banned himself, and hopefully has realized that "banned users" are people too. smile.gif and in some cases much better people than sickos who voted to ban them.
QUOTE(mbz1 @ Fri 2nd March 2012, 7:40pm) *

And now Lar is gone, and Will is banned himself, and hopefully has realized that "banned users" are people too. smile.gif

What I find perverted is this usage of 'user' when they apply to themselves. The users are those using the site to gain information, not the bozos that are on ANI and the other drama boards.
QUOTE(lilburne @ Fri 2nd March 2012, 11:47am) *

What I find perverted is this usage of 'user' when they apply to themselves. The users are those using the site to gain information, not the bozos that are on ANI and the other drama boards.
For the insiders, the term "users" refers to fellow MMORPG players. It is similar to the way that drug addicts are called "users."
QUOTE(Selina @ Fri 2nd March 2012, 2:23pm) *

Classic Denial (psychology) (T-H-L-K-D)... When you run a sockpuppet army ... you're just as bad as any of those admins that abuse authority to POV push ... Made a copy in case this gets dumped into a non-public forum and discussion needs to be taken elsewhere since it seems WR no longer is a safe place for discussio - since it's ok to comment on cabals only so long as they aren't part of the cabal that's grown here.

[Mod note: Selina, this topic is "Will Beback RFC". Either comment on that topic or create a new one to contain your comments on Hersch. Hijacking thread after thread to pursue a topic is not acceptable here. Further off-topic posts will be moved, protests notwithstanding.]

[Also, comment from The Joy linking to comments between Selina and SlimVirgin split to its own thread here.]

[All off-topic posts moved.]
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