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QUOTE(SB_Johnny @ Mon 27th September 2010, 2:53pm) *
5 down from his picture, is that also him standing against the wall being pretty much the only person not talking to someone else?
What do you expect him to do if they don't assign him a seat at a table?

No, that doesn't look like him to me.

thekohser has a new fan, a law professor who specializes in workplace bullying.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 10th November 2010, 2:03pm) * has a new fan, a law professor who specializes in workplace bullying.


Jon tongue.gif
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 10th November 2010, 2:08pm) *


Jon tongue.gif

Yamada so fat, when she fell over, she rocked herself to sleep trying to get up again!
Jimbo and his gal-pal Andrea seem to be calling for using your real name when engaging online, and to act responsibly. How does that fit in with the pseudonymous and unaccountable culture of Wikipedia?

Andrea is also pro-lawsuit. I'm sure that's really helpful for 90% of the people that Wikipedia defames online.
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