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Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Wed 21st April 2010, 1:13am) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 20th April 2010, 6:38pm) *

QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Mon 19th April 2010, 5:03pm) *

me1 + me2 + … men ≠ We

Are we not men?

Wait — how did you get the subscript tags to work?

Jon tongue.gif

Use html <sub> tag. First choose html "on" on post options.

I don't have that option on my post options !?!?

Jon angry.gif
Jon Awbrey

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Shut The FAC Up !!!

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 21st April 2010, 1:22pm) *

QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Wed 21st April 2010, 1:13am) *

Use html <sub> tag. First choose html "on" on post options.

I don't have that option on my post options !?!?

Jon angry.gif

Surely you'd prefer ₍ᵤ₊₂₀₈₀₋₂₀₉₄₎ anyway.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 21st April 2010, 2:14am) *


He's banned.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(radek @ Thu 22nd April 2010, 12:23am) *

He Lives !!! …

Jon tongue.gif
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
Wikipedia: Where Occam's razor meets Hanzo's steel.
Wikipedia: our boss is a traveling encyclopedia salesman

Jon Awbrey

â—„ Wikiversity â–º

Where Ethical Breaching Meets Unethical Bleaching
Peter Damian
WIKIPEDIA: a criminal organization that follows cult control rules and supports pedophilia

(Thank you Don Murphy)
Wikipedia: the only 501 © registered pornography site.
At Wikipedia, Villainy Is Our Most Important Project.
Read Jimmy Wales' lips: No new Taxis.
Wikipedia: Information Cancer

Wikipedia: Let them make the cake

Wikipedia: Free CYBERSEXXX! Masturbate your enemy's enemy in public! Join the online orgy now!
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 20th April 2010, 11:44pm) *
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Tue 20th April 2010, 9:34pm) *
No, we are Devo.

Not to make legal threats; that is the law. Are we not Wikipedians? dry.gif
Not to be uncivil, that is the law. Are we not Wikipedians? hrmph.gif
Not to forget WP:NPA; that is the law. Are we not Wikipedians? mad.gif
Not to suck up to Jimbo, that is... er... wait. unsure.gif

We've even got an avatar for that one (which nobody is currently using, AFAIK):


Milton Roe
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 27th April 2010, 2:40pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 20th April 2010, 11:44pm) *
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Tue 20th April 2010, 9:34pm) *
No, we are Devo.

Not to make legal threats; that is the law. Are we not Wikipedians? dry.gif
Not to be uncivil, that is the law. Are we not Wikipedians? hrmph.gif
Not to forget WP:NPA; that is the law. Are we not Wikipedians? mad.gif
Not to suck up to Jimbo, that is... er... wait. unsure.gif

We've even got an avatar for that one (which nobody is currently using, AFAIK):



Oh, very good. I like my present one (at some point I may even use the real untouched photo), but somebody will surely snap this one up.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 27th April 2010, 4:34pm) *
Oh, very good. I like my present one (at some point I may even use the real untouched photo), but somebody will surely snap this one up.

Just FYI, Milton: your present avatar photo contains a small detail (actually two of them) that you probably don't know about:

it contains two Roland D-50s. A massively popular keyboard, despite endless complaints about its "bad sound". And still used by thousands of bad bar bands the world over, because nobody with taste or discernment wants old D-50s. Making them dirt cheap to buy on the used market. evilgrin.gif
Jon Awbrey

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Where Everyone Will Be On Uranus For Fifteen Minutes

Milton Roe
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Tue 27th April 2010, 4:47pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 27th April 2010, 4:34pm) *
Oh, very good. I like my present one (at some point I may even use the real untouched photo), but somebody will surely snap this one up.

Just FYI, Milton: your present avatar photo contains a small detail (actually two of them) that you probably don't know about:

it contains two Roland D-50s. A massively popular keyboard, despite endless complaints about its "bad sound". And still used by thousands of bad bar bands the world over, because nobody with taste or discernment wants old D-50s. Making them dirt cheap to buy on the used market. evilgrin.gif

Yes, I looked it up. Indeed the '57 Chevy of electric keyboards. Dunno if the guitar is a Fender. I think they should have given LHO a halfstand mic ala Freddie Mercury. It's not as though they tried to do everything in period, as the keyboard is post-1987.
Subtle Bee
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 27th April 2010, 5:28pm) *

QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Tue 27th April 2010, 4:47pm) *

Just FYI, Milton: your present avatar photo contains a small detail (actually two of them) that you probably don't know about:

it contains two Roland D-50s. A massively popular keyboard, despite endless complaints about its "bad sound". And still used by thousands of bad bar bands the world over, because nobody with taste or discernment wants old D-50s. Making them dirt cheap to buy on the used market. evilgrin.gif

Yes, I looked it up. Indeed the '57 Chevy of electric keyboards. Dunno if the guitar is a Fender. I think they should have given LHO a halfstand mic ala Freddie Mercury. It's not as though they tried to do everything in period, as the keyboard is post-1987.

This is great! I had the same reaction - I remember the D-50 from backinnaday. If memory serves, this was at the intersection of analog and digital (at least at a realistic price point), so it seemed a big deal at the time. But they were mostly immune to programming, unlike my beloved Kawaii (so cute!) with its sliders and dials. Alas, they were as ephemeral as the big hair of them what liked them.
Jon Awbrey

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Hypocrisy So Predictable
It's Almost Comforting

Milton Roe

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Just 15 Minutes Can Add 15 Points To Your Blood Pressure

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

It's Like the Government: the More You Know About It, the Angrier You Get tearinghairout.gif

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

By Now It Can't Help But Exceed MY Expectations

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

I'd Like to Have an Argument With an Asperger Person, Please

Milton Roe
Thanks for that Template, Jon.

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Where Teens are Shocked at the Incivility of Seniors Who Observe That They

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Wed 28th April 2010, 12:28am) *
Yes, I looked it up. Indeed the '57 Chevy of electric keyboards.

Wikipedia: no one got laid because they edit the Wikipedia (except Jimbo).
Wikipedia: Where your inherent ability to effortlessly switch between impersonating a tearful victim and a stern school teacher, and to kiss every passing admin's ass, will soon lead to the offer of controlling other editors without recall. No questions asked, no paperwork needed:

Wikipedia: Become a content controller! No minimum age or ability required: just show us what a slimy little shit you are.

Wikipedia: Would you like to live in a world that believes we are all fundamentally honest, and where expression of faith in our belief is justly rewarded? And where persecution of our beliefs are simply not tolerated? Experience a Wikipedia Welcome, and join us in creating a perfect world.

Wikipedia: Evil vs Good
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(powercorrupts @ Thu 29th April 2010, 10:05am) *

Wikipedia: Evil vs Good

Wikipedia: Left is right, down is up and evil IS good.

Wikipedia: Just like Uranus-no signs of intelligent life.
Milton Roe

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Where We Must Assume Good Faith Against All Evidence of Bad Faith
(unless of course Jimbo decides it's trolling)

Jon Awbrey

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Publicly Traded Laughing Stock
Accept No Derivatives

Milton Roe
Good, good. Maybe even:

â—„ Wikipedia â–º

Publicly Traded Laughing Stock with No Equity
Invest Yourself with No Return

Wikipedia: the Lolicon of Encyclopedias ...

We like kids!!! We need them to run our business!!!
Wikipedia: Where Murphy's Law has no teeth.
Jon Awbrey
We seem to have reached a strong consensus on the Official Skool Colors of Wikipedia —


Go Fire-Brick !!!

Go Olive-Drab !!!

Wikipedia: the only encyclopedia which attempts to document of all human sexual activity,
not merely the human sexual activity which people find tolerable.
... as per Erik Moeller

Wikipedia: The Scum of all Human Trollage.
Wikipedia: images of incest and pedophiliac interest
are educational & suitable for unlimited access by children.

... attributed to the Mediawiki Foundation courtesy of General Cousel Mike Godwin

You may "Never see a nipple in the Daily Express" ...
but Jimmy Wales does spunky dicks'n'gaping vaginas.

... credit to John Cooper Clarke for those whose English ability requires subtitles

(Ripe for a parody, I'd say).
Jon Awbrey

Full-Width Image

â—„ Wiki-Pamplona â–º

¡ Come for the Running of the Bull !

¡ Stay for the Goring of the Dox !

RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
Wikipedia: Not censored (unless our glorious "founder" feels a fire under his fanny).

Wikipedia: You're either with us or against us.

Wikipedia: There ain't no asylum here...King Solomon he never lived 'round here.

'On the Banning of Co-Founder Larry Sanger from the Wikipedia', by an anonymous editor named after the British comedian and puppeteer 'Rod Hull and Emu', following the ongoing amateur hard core porn controversy reported by Fox News, (see links).

Wikipedia: When you're in a hole, start fisting!... and upload the picture afterwards.

And, to quote the current revision of the topic
Wikipedia: the monster that chews up its founders and spits them out.
Jon Awbrey

â—„ Wiki-Plebiscite â–º

Bare Abbess !!!
Bare Abbess !!!
Bare Abbess !!!

That's pretty obscure, Jon. Sure Milton and Ottava will get it. And probably Somey, too.

But I fear your New Testament reference will be lost on a lot of people here.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Moulton @ Tue 11th May 2010, 6:15am) *

That's pretty obscure, Jon. Sure Milton and Ottava will get it. And probably Somey, too.

But I fear your New Testament reference will be lost on a lot of people here.

Yes, a bit of a stretch, but I knew the wag who tagged Pompous Pilot would cache on tuit. I didn't check to see if she really was an abbess, but I figured a posthumous promotion would be politer than indistreetly screaming “Nude Nun !!! Nude Nun !!!”

Jon tongue.gif
Wikipedia - The Maroon Saloon

Wikipedia - What a Macaroon!

Wikipedia - 99 LuftMaroons
Mike Godwin: "end user empowerment" (... ref)

Wikipedia: "Rear end user empowerment"

Jimmy Wales: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet
is given free access to the sum of all human pornography

... and animal porn too!
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
Wikipedia: Boy-Mommy is watching you!

Jon Awbrey

◄  WikiMordor Foundation  ►
power wants to be free of responsibility

Thanks! and a Tip o' th' Hat to Milton

Jon tongue.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Moulton @ Tue 11th May 2010, 3:15am) *

That's pretty obscure, Jon. Sure Milton and Ottava will get it. And probably Somey, too.

But I fear your New Testament reference will be lost on a lot of people here.

I'm sure you Old Pythonians will remember:

Wewease--- Bawabbas!!!

◄  Wikipedia  ►

It's nasty, misogynistic, anatomically improbable and hideously normative of deviance

with a tip of the hat to Rationalist Association
Wikipedia, where editors are free to contradict each other so long as no admin notices.

(With reference to this thread: )
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