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Jon Awbrey
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Wherefore Aught?

Jon Image
The Joy
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 5th June 2013, 11:00pm) *


ermm.gif Good luck with those. My high school trigonometry and Algebra II didn't go that deep into functions. I recall tangling with a Sigma then, but I can't remember how I solved it or what it had to do with anything.
Jon Awbrey
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Moneytheism

Jon Image
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 2nd April 2013, 11:10pm) *

Inquiry Into Inquiry • Anamnesis, Maieusis, Monadology, Semeiosis

Jon Image
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 2nd April 2013, 11:10pm) *

Inquiry Into Inquiry • Ideas Demand Expression Always

Jon Image
Jon Awbrey
Inquiry Into Inquiry • What To Do?

Jon Image
What a relief. Somebody who isn't Tarc!
The Joy
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 29th October 2013, 12:23am) *

I'm taking a basic computer programming course next year. If I have to learn all those equations linked to in your blog, I'm scuppered. sick.gif sad.gif

Now, as an aspiring librarian, you and your wife's Architectonics article does intrigue me. Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think" and his description of an online library catalog comes to mind. I'll have to read your article in more detail later. smile.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(The Joy @ Tue 29th October 2013, 5:48am) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 29th October 2013, 12:23am) *

I'm taking a basic computer programming course next year. If I have to learn all those equations linked to in your blog, I'm scuppered. sick.gif sad.gif

Now, as an aspiring librarian, you and your wife's Architectonics article does intrigue me. Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think" and his description of an online library catalog comes to mind. I'll have to read your article in more detail later. smile.gif

Cook's Theorem is a basic result in the study of Computational Complexity, and probably wouldn't come up in anything more than a hand-waving goodbye for now sort of way in a first programming course. But you might find that GLL blog fun to sample from time to time just to get interesting highlights and amusing sidelights on the field. That DATA project is my particular spin on the subject and you needn't fear it showing up in textbooks anytime soon, if ever.

Jon Image
Jon Awbrey
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Captain, we are getting pulled towards an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. No one knows what awaits on the other side.
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