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Jon Awbrey
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QUOTE(dtobias @ Fri 22nd June 2012, 4:49pm) *

It is, I think, the final death of WR that it now consists entirely of Jon Awbrey talking to himself … that and auto-posted news articles, anyway.

Actually, the blog posts I copy here arise out of and contribute to rather lively discussions on many other blogs, lists, and Facebook pages.

Jon lookdownnose.gif
QUOTE(dtobias @ Fri 22nd June 2012, 9:49pm) *

It is, I think, the final death of WR that it now consists entirely of Jon Awbrey talking to himself … that and auto-posted news articles, anyway.

I'm not Jon Awbrey. Are you?
QUOTE(dtobias @ Fri 22nd June 2012, 3:49pm) *

It is, I think, the final death of WR that it now consists entirely of Jon Awbrey talking to himself … that and auto-posted news articles, anyway.

I read Jon's posts with interest. Yours … not so much.
Jon Awbrey
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Pseudo-Choice

Jon Image
The Joy
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 8th August 2012, 1:10pm) *

Reminds me of the last stanza from Richard Lovelace's "To Althea, from Prison."

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone, that soar above,
Enjoy such liberty.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(The Joy @ Wed 8th August 2012, 8:26pm) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 8th August 2012, 1:10pm) *

Reminds me of the last stanza from Richard Lovelace's "To Althea, from Prison."


Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone, that soar above,
Enjoy such liberty.

Bit strings do not information make,
Nor ironic bards John Cage.
All you need is AURORAS —
Average Uncertainty Reduction
On Receiving A Sign.

— Jon Awbrey • 15 Feb 2012
The Joy
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sat 25th August 2012, 1:36pm) *

QUOTE(Friedrich Nietzsche)
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Jon Awbrey
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Two Ideals

Jon Image
Jon Awbrey
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Landfail

Jon Image
The Joy
Good to see the Mayans haven't got you down, Jon. smile.gif

Happy Holidays.
QUOTE(The Joy @ Fri 21st December 2012, 7:56am) *

Good to see the Mayans haven't got you down, Jon. smile.gif

Happy Holidays.

This whole Mayan thing is just a bunch of fuckwits who don't understand the Mayan calendar.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(The Joy @ Fri 21st December 2012, 2:56am) *

Good to see the Mayans haven't got you down, Jon. smile.gif

Happy Holidays.

Well, the day is young ...

We did get snow ... it does look a little like Mayanaise ...


Jon Image
Jon Awbrey
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Providence

Jon Image
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